UL Chapter 9: Chance

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"I-I'm sorry.. L-Luce" he thought before everything went black.

"Go get his phone Alzack! We might contact his guardian!" said the green headed maiden.

"Alright Bisca, and go call an ambulance!" A coal headed-who is supposed to be Alzack- said.

When Alzack already got his phone on his hands , he quickly scroll it's contacts and saw 'My source of income... for now' he quickly dialed it coz he's sure as hell that it's his parents. After a ring, the one he called answered.

^Have you come to your senses to call me Yo-Hi?^ a fine woman with dignity was to be heard on the other line.

"Uhmm, excuse me. Is this the guardian of the owner of this cellphone?" Alzack asked.

On the other hand, Porlyusica arched her left eyebrow once She heard the voice of her caller.

"Yes, Who is this?" Porlyusica asked curiously.

^Eto... owns this cellphone got hit by a truck and we're on an ambulance to take him to the nearest hospital^ instead of answering her question, the one who have his son's cellphone said.

"Could you please look at his wallet to identify who that person is?" Porlyusica said quite shocked.

^dumbass! Why didn't you think of that?! ^ she heard a girl voice on the other line who called using her son's phone.

^oh yeah, i forgot! Go check his wallet!^ the guy who called said, then after a minute, the one she's talking with answered her call, it's as if a bucket with full of ice (ice bucket lol xD) poured in her when she heard...

^...Natsu Dragneel, I found a Student ID in his wallet and that's the name I read. Natsu Dragneel.^ her eyes as if on cue widened after she heard her son's name.

'What?! NATSU?! HIT?! BY A TRUCK?! BUT HOW?!' there where lots of question lingering on her mind, but this is a word that marked her mind.


"T-That's my son! Tell me whay hospital you're gonna put him to!" She said, thoug panic evident her voice, the autority was still there.

^H-Hai! We're heading at the Fiore Hosptial!^

"You're name, young man" she asked, more likely demand.

^A-Alzack, Alzack ma'am. Alzack Connell^ said the guy who called using the pinkette's phone.

"Okay I'm on my way there." Porlyusica said as she hung up the phone. Standing, she called her body guards with a smirk on her face, "Laxus Elfman, Gajeel... let's go."


Once Porlyusica reached the said hospital, she headed to the information desk.

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