Chapter 1

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Natasha smiles as her young pup babbles as he attempts to stand on wobbly legs. He soon falls right back over, softly landing on his butt in the grass before he looks back up at his mother. From beside her, she can hear Wanda chuckle.

"He's getting there" she says, smiling

Nat nods, "Yeah. He's pretty determined. He should be walking soon"

Suddenly a familiar scent hits her and her gaze shifts to you. She smiles, content to be in your presence and her eyes take in your form. Your muscles look a bit more defined since she's seen you last and she finds herself longing to feel your arms wrapped around her.

"You're staring at her again" Wanda tells her, her tone teasing

A blush covers the Russians cheeks before her expression turns to one of sadness, "Stop. You know I can't. I...I have Bruce."

"You mean Bruce has you." Wanda sighs, looking at her friend sadly, "We both know he isn't the Alpha you wanted to be bonded with. We both know how he claimed you against your will and forced you to carry his pup. We both know you want her."

A small and soft whine leaves the redhead, "But I can't have her. She doesn't want me. And Bruce would never allow me to leave."

"You don't know she doesn't want you Nat"

"I do" she replies, "No one would want an Omega who's already had another Alphas pup. Besides, If she wanted me, wouldn't she have tried to claim me?"

"That's just not true Nat. Especially for her, Y/n would love Dimitri like her own." she sighs, "Honey, she flirted with you all the time. I saw the way she looked at you, still, looks at you. She wanted to claim you, but then when Bruce did what he did....I think she thought you wanted that. Wanted him."

"It doesn't matter. He would never let me leave him." she sighs

A silence settles over them after that, and they watch as you talk with Sharon over near the park's pond. A tightness forms in Natashas chest as she watches the other Omega put her hand on your arm as you both laugh. Suddenly though your gaze moves over to the two Omegas sitting near the oak tree and a smile spreads across your face. You excuse yourself from the blonde and make your way over to them, greeting the young pup first.

"Look at you little man!" you excitedly exclaim, getting him to smile, "You'll be walking in no time, then you'll really be a menace to your mom."

Natasha smiles as you lift Dimitri up and spin him around, and for a brief moment she allows herself to pretend that you were hers, playing with the pup the two of you had. She imagines what her life would be like with you. Calm and peaceful. Filled with care, safety and love. Everything she doesn't currently have, but desperately wants. She's brought out of her thoughts when you greet her.

"Hey Natasha" you say with a smile that makes her heart yearn for you even more, "Hey Wanda."

"Hey Y/n. How are you?" Wanda asks, knowing her best friend needs a moment to find her voice

"I'm good. Just enjoying today's nice weather." you reply, "You guys?"

"I'm great. Vis just got a promotion so we're confident we're in a good spot to try for pups now." Wanda answers with a large smile

Your smile matches hers, "Wanda, that's wonderful! What about you Nat?"

"I'm..." she trails off briefly, contemplating being completely honest with you, but decides against it. "I'm alright. Excited to see Dimitri walk soon. I'm sure it would please Bruce as well."

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