Chapter 11

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4 months

You lazily stretch as you sit up in the nest, trying your best to not wake the sleeping Omega by your side just yet. One free from your still slumbering mates hold, you tiptoe off to the bathroom to take care of your business before you head to make breakfast.

Now in the kitchen, you pull a package of bacon and the carton of eggs out of the fridge and bring them over to the counter next to the stove. You grab a couple of pans and turn on the burners, waiting for them to warm up before you lay a few slices of meat in one and crack a few eggs in the other. You add a pinch of spices and some minced veggies to them before mixing up the yolks and whites, getting everything well and scrambled as they cook.

The delicious aromas make their way back to the bedroom, which causes Natasha to stir from her slumber. She groggily blinks away the remainder of sleep before checking in on Dima on the monitor. Satisfied that he's still asleep she tosses her blanket aside and makes her way to the kitchen.

A smile spreads across her face as she sees you at the stove, cooking a meal for your family. Getting to witness and experience what she never thought she'd get with you, always elicits a warmth within her, like all the love and safety you've ever shown her has just made a home there within her. And she really hopes that never goes away. A meow pulls her from her thoughts and she stifles a giggle when she sees the small black furball pawing at your ankle, looking up at you as if she'd not had a meal all month.

"Don't give me that look, little miss" you coo at her, though all it gets you is another pitiful meow, "Oh fine, even though you don't need it, I can't say no when you look at me like that."

Liho patiently waits as you cut up a small piece of bacon for her, and you can't believe how the feline has both you and Nat wrapped around her paw already. If this is how bad you both are with a cat, you worry what it'll be like once the pups are all talking properly. They're all going to be so spoiled, not that you truly minded. Afterall, you'd have spoiled Natasha much more than you already had if it didn't surpass her comfort levels.

"Here, eat up you little menace" you tell her, placing the bacon in front of her before patting her head

"That better not be my bacon you just gave away"

You turn around and smile at your adorable Omega, who still has sleep tousled hair, "I don't have a death wish, baby. I know not to touch your bacon"

"Good" she affirms, but the smile on her lips confirms she's only teasing, "I wouldn't want you to have to sleep on the couch"

You laugh, "Wow, not only banned from the nest, but the bed too"

She shrugs, "I take my bacon very seriously"

"You know what I take seriously?" you ask, not waiting for a reply, "My morning kisses"

She smiles and shakes her head at your antics, but doesn't hesitate to step forward into your awaiting arms. Your hands rest on her hips protectively as she leans forward to connect her lips to yours in a gentle kiss.

"Better?" she teases, pulling back from you slightly

You lean in to peck her lips a second time, "Now it is"

A cute blush settles across her cheeks and she decides she wants to distract you so you don't comment on it, "Are you excited for today?"

"Of course I am!" you reply, eyes lighting up as you look at her, "I can't wait to see how many you're carrying! And so long as they're healthy, I'll be happy!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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