Chapter 9.5

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New Years special!! 🎉

As everyone gathers in Maximoffs living room, watching the tv in anticipation you can't help but gaze at your loving mate and pup instead. You can't believe how much your life has changed this year, these last few months specifically. You've gotten everything you wanted. Natasha was yours now, Dima was too and now he has a sibling on the way. You almost couldn't believe it, but the way the Omega looks at you constantly reminds you that it is indeed true.

"What are you thinking about moya lyubov'(my love)?" your mate asks as she catches the way you're looking at her

You smile and wrap an arm around her waist, pulling her and your pup closer, "Just that I'm extremely lucky to be able to call you mine"

She practically melts at your admission and a small purr erupts from her, "I'm the lucky one"

Yelena rolls her eyes at the two of you, "Ick, you're both being so gushy again"

Wanda elbow her, "Stop testing them, it's incredibly cute to see them interact"

"Maybe for you who doesn't see them too often, but I see them all over each other almost constantly" the blonde retorts, causing your Omega to blush

Carol laughs, "Still so easy to fluster when it comes to Y/n, eh Romanoff?"

You look down at your mate, "You used to get flustered over me?"

"Only all the time" Clint adds with a smirk causing your Omega to groan

"Oh leave them be. Wanda and Vis are always off somewhere cuddling and Carol, you're always sneaking off to spend time with Val and Maria" Jenn reminds them

A blush settles on Wanda's cheeks as Vision rubs his neck in embarrassment, and Clint laughs at the stunned expression the police Captain wears and the glare she sends his way has no doubt scared many a criminal she's had in interrogation.

"Shut it Barton. Don't even get me started on how bad you are with Laura"

He huffs and playfully crosses his arms, "I am not"

"Sure, that's why you had two out of three pups so soon after each other" you tease, earning yourself a giggle from Nat and a sour look from her best friend

"Alright alright" Vis says with a raise of his hands, "If we keep up with the playful banter we'll all miss the reason we're all gathered here in the first place."

"Vis is right" Jen agrees, turning her attention back to the tv

Carol nods, "Right, we watch the ball drop, then get back to annoying the shit out of each other."

"You're terrible Danvers" Nat says with a smile that says otherwise

You shake your head at your best friend, "You get used to it"

"Guys" Wanda reprimands, reminding everyone to put a stop to the teasing for now and everyone settles down, their attention back on the screen as the countdown begins.

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1, Happy New Year!!

The mated pairs all share loving kisses as the others cheer to greet the new year, and your mate giggles as her sister rolls her eyes and takes Dima from her.

"My poor plemyannik(nephew), let me get you away from your parents for a bit"

"I don't hear him complaining" your mate teases

Yelena scoffs, "Only because he can not talk yet"

"He can talk" you retort, "He calls us Mama all the time"

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