Chapter 10.5

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Thank you all for humoring my April fools joke, for being such good sports this real chapter is full of fluff with a sprinkle of smut. Hope you all enjoy! 

   It's been about a month since the New Year's gathering with your friends, and every move Natasha has made since then has been utterly adorable. First she made sure to schedule all the appropriate appointments with the correct doctors, even though she's only had to go to one so far. And then she began to look up all the items she wanted for the pups nursery, and lastly she's been nesting. Which is currently what you find her doing. She shifts around in her nest, fluffing pillows the way she wants them and rearranging some blankets.

"Alpha?" she calls out, turning to look at you where you stand

"Yes my Omega?"

"Can you please come cuddle? I need my nest to smell like you to get comfortable."

A soft smile spreads across your features, "Of course Natty"

You gently join her in the nest, sitting down beside her. A purr rumbles in her chest as she snuggles into you, practically crawling into your lap and your strong arms wrap around her. She nearly melts in your hold as you begin to scent her and the nest, a sense of peace and love washing over her. Unbeknownst to her, her purr becomes louder and you chuckle at her cuteness.

"Is my Omega happy?"

She nods, "Very happy. This is what I've always wanted."

"Me too" you admit, kissing her cheek, "I'm so excited to have this life with you, Dima and our pup"

"Don't forget Liho" she teases, and the cat meows from her spot on the nearby windowsill

You both laugh, "Oh yes, and Liho. I could never forget our kitty"

The two of you fall into a comfortable silence for several minutes, just content to be soaking in each other's presence and scents. But after a while your Omega shifts in you arms, letting one of her hands rest against her small bump

"Do you want a boy or a girl?" she asks, looking up at you with curious eyes

You ponder it for a moment, "I think a girl would be nice, but I'm not picky Natty. As long as they're safe and healthy I'll be happy. What about you?"

"I want a daughter" she confesses with a smile, "I love Dima so very much, but growing up I always dreamed about having a little girl."

You move your hands to cup her small bump and she leans even further into your touch, "Then I hope it's a girl, because I want my Omega to get everything she wants. She deserves it."

It doesn't take long for your mate to fall asleep in your embrace, and you make no attempts to move from her nest. Instead you simply pull the blankets up snuggly around you both and make sure Dimas baby monitor is nearby. Though it's rare for the pup not to sleep through the night, you'd rather be safe than sorry.

When Natasha awakes the next morning she's greeted by the sight of you asleep beside her and she's absolutely thrilled that her nest and blankets smell like you. She knows the whole house is yours and therefore hers, but there's just something in an Omegas instincts that make them cling to their nests when with pup, and to have hers smelling like her mate, her safe space personified, it really soothes her.

She takes a moment to look over your peaceful features and she begins to purr, happy that her Alpha is so content beside her. Unfortunately she can't watch you slumber long as the cooing on the other end of the monitor informs her that her pup is awake and she knows it's best to feed and tend to him before he actually cries out for her.

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