Chapter 8

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    You grunt as you thrust forward, the sound of the smacking of your hips against your Omegas ass fills the small room. Your grip on the underside of her thighs tightens as you press them further against her chest and she cries out, pleasure mixing with overstimulation as your knot slips into her for the fifth time.

She whimpers as she shakes and her nails dig into your forearms. You have no doubt small crescent moon shapes will linger, practically imprinted into your muscles at this point. Once her grip on you relaxes you help her lay her legs out against the bed and help her get comfortable while running your fingers through her hair, not bothered that it's slightly damp with sweat.

She tries her best not to fall asleep underneath you as your fingers lull her into a deeply relaxed state as they massage her scalp and she wraps her arms around you, letting her fingers trace along the edges of your many bandages as she revels in having you so close. You press your lips along her jaw a few times, finding it impossible not to shower her in your affections.

"Such a good girl, my Omega is. Did so well for me Natty, took my knot so many times." She nuzzles into you, purring at the praise

Despite being tired, that sentence kickstarts her brain. She realizes then just how much of your seed you had filled her with tonight, which means the probability of her soon being with your pup is extremely high. Excitement fills her and her heart swells as she thinks about the life that may soon be growing inside of her and her thoughts move to daydreams of the future with you.


You pick your head up to look at her, "Yes Natty?"

She takes a deep breath, forcing her anxieties away before asking her question, "Instead of staying here, can Dima and I go home with you tonight?"

"Baby, you don't have to ever ask that. You're my mate, my home is your home. So of course we can go home. And tomorrow we can go shopping to buy Dima everything he needs for his new bedroom, and I'll buy you anything you want or need. For yourself or the house."

"Anything?" she asks, "You really mean that?"

You nod, "Of course I do. I'm going to treat you the way you deserve. And that means spoiling you any chance I get."

Happiness fills her and she can hardly contain her excitement, "I love you"

You press a kiss against her temple, "I love you too, detka(baby)"

Natashas eyes widened at the use of her native language, "You know Russian??"

"Well, I'm not fluent by any means, but Yelena had taught me a few words and phrases back in college." you admit, "I had wanted to learn it, so I could surprise you and talk to you in your native language. But then after we graduated and I thought you chose Bruce, I stopped taking lessons with her."

She smiles fondly at you and cups your face, "Let me teach you then? I'd love to be able talk with you in my native tongue"

"I would love that. Then we can teach our pups so they can all be bilingual too."

A purr leaves the Omega as she holds you tightly, "I can't wait to grow our family"

You rest your forehead against hers, letting one of your hands brush against her stomach, "That might happen sooner than you think with how much mating we did today."

"I hope so" she replies, bringing her hand down to hold yours, and the two of you remain like that for a few more moments until your knot deflates.

"Now then, if you wanna go home tonight we should get cleaned up and then have Lena bring Dima back, don't you think?" She nods so you slowly pull yourself from her, careful to not agitate her sensitive cunt. You nuzzle against her cheek affectionately before standing, "I'll get the bath ready and be back for you, ok?"

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