Chapter 5

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 "What's wrong?" Yelena asks

"Bruce attacked Y/n at Wandas. He thinks she took me. This is all my fault." Natasha quickly relays, pacing the motel room

Yelena shakes her head, "You didn't do anything wrong sestra(sister), you did what you had to do. You had to get away from him and that's what you've done. Is Y/n ok?"

"Wanda says she's hurt but it's nothing too serious. She's going to the ER though."

"Are you going to go see her?" Yelena asks, despite knowing the answer already

She nods, "I need to make sure she's really ok."

Yelena watches her sister for a moment, "You know, now would be the perfect time to tell her."

"I don't know" she replies, running a hand through her fiery hair

Natasha knows she wants you, more than anything. But she's afraid that after all these years she's waited too long at that surely by now your sight has fallen on the Omega you want. And it has, hasn't it? You do have that upcoming date with Sharon.

"I don't think it's me she wants. Plus with me she has to accept Dima too....I don't think that's something any Alpha would want." she says, trying to ignore the sadness the builds in her chest as she says that

"Oh don't be ridiculous" Yelena scoffs, "Y/n adores him, and you. I wish you could see that."

"You really think so?" She asks, trying not to feel too hopeful

"I do" Yelena affirms, "I think she would be lucky, and happy to call you both hers."

Natasha smiles, "I love her, sestra(sister). I want to be hers and I want her to be mine. I want to have a life and family with her"

Yelena smiles back, "I know. And I think it's time you told her that."

Despite knowing you were alright, Natasha can't help the nervousness that builds inside her as she walks into the hospital. Yelena walks beside her, holding her curious nephew as they wander the halls to find your room. But when they find Vision and Wanda, the other Omegas expression is enough to trouble her.

Her brows furrow, "What's wrong? Is my- is Y/n ok?"

"Yes, she's fine" Vision answers, looking at the Russian with something akin to pity. Confused, her gaze falls back on her best friend.

"Nat, maybe....maybe you should wait out here for a bit." Wanda says, quickly trying to bring her attention elsewhere, "Is this what Bruce did to you this time?"

Even more confused now, she avoids the hand that Wanda outstretched towards her and takes a glance behind the mated pair into your room. And now she understands. Next to you, caressing your undamaged cheek and holding your one bandaged hand is Sharon Carter.

Natasha tries to ignore the way her heart stings as you lean into the blonde's hand. She tries to pretend that it doesn't bother her, seeing another Omega so close to you. Especially in your injured state. But the tears that pool in her eyes and the whine that escape her prove otherwise.

"Oh Nat" Wanda sighs, quickly engulfing her friend in her arms

The redhead sniffles, "I'm never going to be hers, and she'll never be mine...I was only fooling myself by thinking that."

"Hey! No!" Yelena speaks up, "You can't think like that sestra(sister)"

"Why not?" she scoffs, "It's obvious she wants Sharon, she called her here."

Natasha turns, quickly trying to push past her sister in an attempt to head down the nearest hall. She doesn't know or care where it leads, all she knows is she doesn't want to continue standing there. Watching the two of you interact hurts too much. It makes her feel more alone than she thought possible, especially in her current vulnerable state since fleeing from Bruce.

Wanda quickly stops her though, "Natasha wait!"

"Wait for what Wanda? For them to kiss in front of me?"

She shakes her head, "No one called Sharon, she was already here. She was here to visit her sick Aunt Peggy and she saw us entering the hospital as she was leaving. She didn't want to go home until she knew Y/n was ok."

"Y/n didn't call her?" she asks again

"No dorogoy(sweetheart), she didn't. She did ask about you though, she wanted to know where you were and that you were safe."

Once Natasha smiles, Yelena sighs, relieved that her older sister is no longer upset, "Come on, let's go see the big dumb Alpha"

The redhead nods with a chuckle and takes a deep breath before she opens your door, but the way your eyes light up as you see her makes all her anxiety melt away.

"Hi Y/n" she greets, making her way over to the opposite side of the bed that Sharon is at.

"Hey Nat" you greet back, smiling widely at her as you put your entire focus on her, much to the other Omegas annoyance.

She sits in the chair placed next to your bed and copies the blonde's earlier position by cupping your face. She gently lets her thumb trace along the small scrapes and bandages on your cheek and smiles as you lean into her hold, relaxing further into the bed.

You sit there a moment, just letting her look at you. Her eyes inspect every bandage and stitch, but you don't mind. You're simply content to know that she's safe from Bruce and here with you now, along with little Dima. But then you take notice of her split lip and bruised cheek.

Your brows furrow, "Are you ok?"

"Is she ok?" Sharon scoffs, "Her Alpha goes feral on you, and you're worried about her?"

The statement makes Natashas expression saden and she quickly sits up straighter in her chair, letting her hand fall from your face as she looks away from you. He may not really be her Alpha but it doesn't make the statement any less true. It is her fault you're hurt, he went after you because of her. Her feelings and want for you only caused you to get hurt.

"My sister is not responsible for him or his actions" Yelena quickly defends, fully prepared to rip into the other Omega, but the low growl of irritation that leaves you is enough to silence the room and send a shiver through the Russian next to you.

The blonde quickly bows her head, "Sorry."

"Thank you for checking on me Sharon, but I'd like to visit with Yelena, Dima and Natasha now." you tell her, barely masking the irritation in your voice, "I'll text you"

She nods, "Ok. I, uh...I'll talk to you later then"

Once the door closes Yelena takes Sharons place by your side and sighs, "Good riddance"

"Sestra(sister)!" Nat chastises, causing you to chuckle. She loves that sound, and wishes she could hear it more often.

You turn your attention back to her, grabbing her hand that she still has resting on your bed, "I'm so sorry Natasha. I should have noticed, I should have seen something was off, but I didn't realize how Bruce hurt you until Wanda told me."

She swallows nervously, "How- how much did she tell you?"

"Enough." you reply, "I know he's not your Alpha. And I swear if I would have known that, I would have thrown him through Wandas sliding glass door nearly a year ago."

Her heart races as she hears the protectiveness in your voice, but her worry for you shines through, "Is that how you got hurt? You threw him through their door?"

"Well, technically he tackled me through it, but the statement still stands" you admit with a sheepish smile

Her eyes swirl with emotion as she looks at you, "I'm so sorry. I didn't think he'd go after anyone."

"Hey, no. This wasn't your fault, ok?" you tell her, letting your thumb rub across her knuckles, "I'm glad you got away from him and that you're safe. Besides, I'm alright. It all looks worse than it is."

She nods, squeezing your hand as she finds herself confident once more, "Y/n, I- "

"Miss Y/l/n?" a nurse suddenly calls out as she enters the room, oblivious to the conversation she's just interrupted

You sigh, "Yes?"

"Good news, nothing is broken. You're being discharged and are free to leave." 

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