NSFW Alphabet: Omega Nat

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A = Aftercare (what they're like after sex)

She's very soft after sex, wanting to be cuddled and cared for. She loves being held close to her Alpha, wrapped up in your strong embrace as you scent each other and you whisper praises to her. Whenever you run a bath for her afterwards, she insists that you join her because, though she won't say it out loud, she just needs you close by.

She never wants you to be left out in aftercare either so she makes sure to reassure you that you made her feel good and took good care of her. She likes to run her hands through your hair, or rub your back as the two of you cuddle. Giving you kisses is also a necessary thing for her.

B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)

Her breasts are definitely her favorite part of hers. They're just so sensitive since she's had Dima, and having them played with just feels so good. Especially when you suck on her swollen nipples after teasing them. And the feeling of her Alpha drinking from her is nothing like anything she's experienced before.

Her favorite body part of yours is your arms. Not just because she loves when you wrap them around her but because of how muscular they are. She loves how easy it is for you to manhandle her during sex, how effortlessly you can carry her, and how turned on just flexing your muscles makes her.

C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)

Though she's shy about admitting it, she loved the taste of her own cum. Back before she had a mate, when her heats would hit, she'd spend a lot of time just cleaning her essence off her toys and fingers after pleasuring herself with them.

You cum, she's crazy about it. Of course her most favorite place for it is her pussy, she loves the feeling of it filling her up and dripping out of her. But she also enjoys its taste. Having you fill her mouth and pour down her throat leaves her a needy mess for you.

D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)

She secretly wishes to someday be able to peg her Alpha. The idea of being the one inside you, causing you so much pleasure that your cock hardens and leaks before you end up blowing your load drives her insane.

She's thought about it a lot, and is currently working up the courage to ask you about your interest in such a thing.

E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)

The only experience she had before Bruce forced himself upon her was with a vibe and medium sized dildo in the comfort of her bedroom. That being said, she was no longer allowed such toys after Bruce got a hold of her. Still, she knows a lot of what she likes and doesn't like, but she still has a few things she wishes to explore.

With you, she knows a fair bit about what she's doing. She can easily turn you on, work you up and make you feel good, but there's still a few kinks and interests she's yet to discover.

F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)

Her favorite is missionary, as she loves the intimacy of having you so close to her and highly enjoys being able to look up into your eyes as you pound into her.

But she's also a big fan of doggy and cowgirl. 😉

G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)

She's truly a mix. She can be quite serious, able to focus only on the combined pleasure of the two of you. But she can also be silly, usually feeding off of you if you are. She's able to laugh and joke about funny things that happen. But nearly all of the time, she's just very soft.

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