Chapter 4

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   You're aware of the sound of shattering glass, but you don't feel any of the multiple cuts it gives you. Your body is running purely on adrenaline and anger, making even the thumping in your head go away. You stumble in an attempt to get up, vaguely aware that Bruce is trying to do the same from somewhere next to you.

"Sorry excuse for an Alpha" he mutters with a snarl

"Yeah, that reflection stings, doesn't it big guy?" you scoff mockingly

"Fuck you!" he spits, pushing himself to his knees

You make it to your feet first, and as a growl leaves your throat you let the heel of your foot hit his chest with a powerful kick. He falls backwards, shards of glass digging into his back as he slides across the ground and he yells out in pain.

You go to straddle him, but a kick to your gut stops you. He scrambles to stand and lands another blow to your stomach before striking your face once more. You quickly recover, spitting the blood from your mouth out before punching his chest so hard that you're sure the crunching you heard was either one of his ribs or one of your fingers.

He steps back, giving himself some room to size you up, "Give her back to me!!"

"I don't have her! Believe it or not, Natasha is allowed to go where she pleases, and apparently that wasn't with you!" you retort, "And even if she was with me, there's no way in hell I'd let her go back to a worthless mutt like you!!"

His lip curls, "I'm a respected Alpha in this community!"

"You're no Alpha, you're a pig!!" you shout, pointing at him accusingly, "All you do is abuse and belittle her, not to mention how you forced yourself on her and made her carry your pup! Natasha deserves so much better than that, she deserves a better Alpha than you!!"

"YOU AREN'T BETTER THAN ME!!" he screams, making poor Wanda nearly jump out of her skin from where she stands near her broken doorway

You give him a cocky smirk, "Funny Bruce, I never said that the better Alpha would be me."

He bares his teeth, "You didn't have too! Do you think I'm stupid?! I've seen the way you look at her! You watch her like she's this amazing piece of artwork that's just so beautiful you can't take your eyes from her!"

You chuckle dryly, "That's exactly what she is, and the fact that you see her as nothing more than an Omega to claim and sire your pups speaks volumes on your ignorance and selfishness!

He ignores your dig at him and carries on, "God, its likes she's the only Omega you see in a room full of bitches!"

"She is the only Omega I have ever seen.I love her." you softly admit to him, tired of pretending otherwise, "And I will forever regret not treasuring her before you came along! I will forever regret that her being alone is what made her easy prey for you!"

Enraged by your admission, he charges blindly at you. You punch him square in the face, breaking his nose and stunning him in the process. Quickly you grab a fistfull of his shirt collar in one hand as your other rains down blow after blow upon his torso.

Finally, after the adrenaline begins to wear off and exhaustion begins to creep in, you release him. He falls to the ground with a thud and you land beside him on your knees, hissing at the way the broken shards of glass bite into your flesh.

Bruce glares at you, chest heaving for air, "She...she's still....not...yours"

"Yeah. But she's not yours either asshole."

Carol and her men had arrived promptly, quickly pulling into and around the Maximoffs driveway before rushing into the house. She stands in the broken doorway, assessing the situation between you and Bruce with caution before getting the details on what went down from Vision and Wanda.

"So, Y/n was your guest and Bruce broke in and started everything, correct?"

"That's correct, Captain." Vision states, "Y/n was merely defending herself" he adds as Wanda nods

Carol looks back over to the two of you before signaling something to her men. Two of them hoist Bruce to his feet before dragging him back over to their superior officer. She glares at him, looking him over in clear distaste.

"How you feeling Doc? Any life threatening injuries?" she chastises

"I'm not that kind of Doctor" he retorts, blood dripping down his chin, "And no, it's all superficial I believe."

"Good. Put him in your car Wilson. And superficial or not, call for two ambulances. There's a lot of blood here"

Sam nods, "You got it. Let's go hot shot."

Carol signals for two more men and they quickly rush to help you to your feet. They're much more gentle with you as they help you walk over to your friend.

"Hell of a mess you made here Y/l/n. You alright?" she asks, picking a piece of glass from your hair

You nod, "Yeah. Looks worse than it is, I imagine."

"Yeah. The two of you look like you went through a meat grinder." she chuckles and you manage a smile, shaking your head at her antics. "Come on, lets get you out front for the paramedics.

In their car behind the ambulances is a very nervous Wanda, her calm and collected Alpha at the wheel, "You need to call Natasha. You need to find out where she is, make sure she's safe. And if she didn't plan on never going back she needs to account for that now because the mood he's in and the way he's acting, I'm afraid he may just kill her if she shows up. Or go after Y/n again."

Wanda nods, quickly hitting call on her friend's contact. She sighs in relief when she hears her friend pick up, "Hey Wans."

"You finally did it! You left Bruce!!" she excitedly spits out, momentarily forgetting why she was calling in the first place

"How did you know?"

Wanda chuckles dryly, "Oh. Well he showed up at my house, angrier than I've ever seen him- "

"Oh god, I'm so sorry! Are you and Vision ok?" she asks, feeling guilty despite it not being her fault.

"We're fine. He wasn't after us." Wanda relays, "He was after Y/n, who just happened to be at our house."

Natasha stands abruptly, pulling Yelena's gaze to her at once as the scent of her distress fills the room, "Tell me she's ok Wanda, please."

"She's ok. I mean they were both hurt, but it's nothing serious. We're following the ambulances to the ER now."

Fear spikes through her, "I thought you said it wasn't serious!?"

"Shh, calm down dorogoy(sweetheart)" she coos, "It's not serious. Theres just a lot of blood and small injuries- "

"What hospital?" Natasha asks, cutting her off. She needs to see you. She needs to see with her own eyes that you're alright.

"I'll tell you after Bruce gets cleared to leave and Carol hauls him off to jail to be treated by their medical staff." Wanda replies, not wanting to risk anything, "She said he'll be staying at least a night before a judge can see him for arraignment so he can post bond and get out."

The Russian whines, "Wanda please, can't you just tell me now?"

"No, because I know you. As soon as we end this call you'll be on your way. And while that's endearing and I love that about you, I don't want to risk Bruce seeing you."

"Ok, fine." she huffs, "Just tell me as soon as you can, please."

"Of course." Wanda replies, "I'll call you when I have news."

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