Chapter 9

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 Christmas special!! 🎄

It's been a few months since Natasha and Dima had moved in with you, and it didn't take long for them to become fully settled into the new space. And now that it's the holiday season, that really shows. You never really went all out with your decor, other than the tree of course. The most you did before was a wreath on the outside of your front door with some lights on the front bushes. Which is still all that adorns the outside, but inside was absolutely brimming with holiday cheer.

Lights and garland are wrapped around your staircase bannister, while even more garland and lights adorn your mantle. Above the fireplace hang three lovely stockings for each of you. Yours and Nats are from childhood, while Dimas is brand new. A few candles which smell of cinnamon are placed around the living space, they are an absolute favorite of your mates. The towels and oven mitts in the kitchen have been changed from their normal ones to cute red and green plaid ones with small gingerbread men amongst the design. And on the coffee table there are three small cat statues, each dressed as a stereotypical Christmas figure. There was a nutcracker, a reindeer and of course Santa. They were a not so subtle hint from your Omega to remind you of the cat she longs for no doubt.

In the corner of your living room is your freshly cut tree, it fills your house with the pine scent, which you've found is an easy way to make your Omega happy. The three of you had gone to the tree farm on the very first day of December. Nat held a very bundled up Dima close to her as you walked around to find the perfect one. Once she found one she liked and excitedly pointed to it, you went and grabbed an ax. In a few swings you found yourself sweating so you shrugged your jacket off to continue, much to Natashas excitement.

You were too busy chopping to notice her give a death glare in the direction of an Omega that stared at your muscular form too long for her liking. The way they quickly scurried away after getting caught in her stare made her chest puff out in pride. You were her Alpha, and she would be sure everyone knew it. Once the tree was downed you hauled it to the car with ease and made quick work of strapping it to the roof of the car. Once home, the two of you intend to spend the rest of the day decorating your tree.

Dima played in his bouncer nearby as you and Nat wrapped the beautiful colored lights around the branches before placing each shiny ornament on with care. There were a few ornaments that were special compared to the others though. First there was one that Natasha had hung with pride, a small silver circle that read 'Dimas First Christmas' along with a handprint from when he was a newborn pup. You made sure to snap a picture of her placing it on the tree. Next had been one you stumbled upon when she had asked you to hand her another bulb from her box. It was a small frame shaped like a wreath, and in it was a picture of you and Nat back in highschool. Seeing it had truly warmed your heart, it was a favorite memory of hers, and yours. Your Omega explained how she had to keep it hidden from Bruce in order to keep it safe. You were glad she had.

The last piece of festive decor that Nat decided to put up was mistletoe, and she nearly put it everywhere she could. It was adorable really, how she would rush to her feet any time you happened to be under some. It never failed to make you laugh, but you always indulged her with a kiss. Or two even.

Finally, the night of Christmas Eve was upon you. Outside snow silently flutters down to the ground, further covering it along with trees and houses in a soft blanket of white. The lights on your front bushes shine magnificently through the layer of fluff, causing a cozy vibe to befall your entryway. Upstairs Dima sleeps peacefully in his nest, snug in his insulated fleece onesie with plenty of his blankets to keep him warm as he cuddles with his stuffies.

Back downstairs in the master bedroom, you and your Omega lay cuddled together. Though asleep your arms still wrap themselves around her protectively, and this has her subconsciously shuffling impossibly closer. Her legs tangle with yours as you both sleep soundly under all her fluffy blankets. She was determined not to let herself or her beloved mate get too cold, even though that technically wasn't even possible when you had the heat on. But you admired her care nonetheless.

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