Chapter 7

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      Enjoy this special, extra long chapter ❤

As Natasha stirs the next morning her first thought is that she gets to wake up beside you. But before she opens her eyes to look at you she's struck by the worry that it may have all been a dream. A beautiful and wonderful dream that came to her as she slept next to you, the Alpha she desired. And if it truly had been a dream, she'll be heartbroken.

Suddenly the bed shifts behind her, and your arm snakes around her waist as your face presses up against her neck. She can feel your warm breath against her scent gland, and it sends a spark of excitement through her.

" 'Mornin Natty." you rasp out in your sleep filled voice, "Did my Omega sleep well?"

Her heart soars, not only because she has proof it wasn't a dream but also because of how tender and caring you are with her, "Mhm, I certainly did. Did you, my Alpha?"

"I did, slept better than ever with you beside me."

She begins to purr and rolls over to face you. She smiles at you, brushing her thumb against your cheek before her lips meet yours in a soft kiss. Your hand finds itself tightening on her hip then, pulling her closer to you. She hums, content as her front practically melts into yours.

"I'm usually not a morning person, but if I get greeted like that from now on that just might change."

She chuckles, "Well then I'll just have to wake you with kisses every day."

"Mmm, good" you reply, wrapping your arms around her in a tight hug. She returns the embrace, resting her head against your collarbone as she listens to your calm heartbeat.

The two of you remain like this, simply content in each other's presence until the small pup in the corner cries out. Reluctantly Natasha pulls away from you, swiftly getting out of bed and making her way over to him. She picks him up, cuddling him close to her chest as she walks back over to the bed.

By now you're sitting up, leaning against the headboard as you watch the two of them with a smile. She gets comfortable beside you once more, smiling as you reach out to grab her boy's small hand.

"Good morning Dima" you greet him, causing his little face to stare at you. He smiles at you and Natashas chest fills with warmth at the interaction

"He really likes you." she tells you, smiling brightly

"I'm glad" you reply, "Cuz I really love the little guy."

Natasha leans closer to you, purring as she rests her head on your shoulder, feeling completely at ease and comfortable with this rather domestic scene with you and her son. She can't wait to have more moments like this with you and can't help but hope that you'll take her and Dima back to your house once you make her yours.

Suddenly the pup looks back to his mother then and coos at her. Though you are unfamiliar with this particular sound, she isn't and she knows it means he's hungry. A blush settles over her cheeks as she debates on how she wants to do this. She knows you aren't like Bruce, but still part of her worries you would find the act of breastfeeding disgusting and that it should be done in private away from Alphas. Then of course there's the fact that the two of you haven't mated yet, so you haven't seen her body. If you saw a part of it now and didn't like it, would you still claim her?

"Hey" you call out, gaining her attention, "What's got you thinking so hard?"

"I- it's just that he's hungry." she answers and you nod, signaling for her to continue, "He needs milk. From me. Breastmilk."

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