Drabble #1: Needy

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Natasha huffs as she tosses the blanket off of her sweaty body, and quickly reaches for the glass of water beside the nest. She knew to expect hot flashes with the influx of hormones, but she hadn't expected them so soon. She also hadn't expected them to interrupt her sleep as often as they have been.

She sets the now half empty glass back on the nightstand, and tries her best to get comfortable again. She cuddles back against you in her usual little spoon position, but when her ass makes contact with your softened bulge she feels her body get even hotter. Only this time it isn't from a hot flash.

She knows she shouldn't because you're asleep, but she just can't seem to stop herself from softly grinding back against you. It only takes a few movements from her for your cock to begin hardening, causing a groan to leave you while you still slumber. Thoughts of you waking up and pounding her until she can't think anymore fill her head, making her already abundant slick drip down her thighs. Her walls clench around nothing and she finds herself unable to pull away from you.

After a few moments you shift in your sleep, moving to lay flat on your back. At first your Omega is disappointed, but when she sees how your cock strains against your boxers she realizes you've actually moved into a better position for her. She carefully straddles your waist and lowers herself against you. Your cock twitches as her still clothed core comes in contact with you, no doubt because her warmth and wetness can be felt through both layers of fabric. She slowly begins to move her hips and has to bite down on her lower lip to suppress a needy moan as you brush perfectly against her throbbing clit.

She doesn't care about being subtle anymore, she needs you, "Y/n baby, wake up"

At first you aren't sure what's awoken you, but when you hear your mate panting accompanied by the dampness and pressure against your boner you know what's happening

"Mmm, Omega? What are you doing?"

She smirks down at you, still grinding her hips, "What does it feel like I'm doing?"

"Feels like you're being impatient." you tease, grabbing ahold of her hips to still her movements

She whines at the abrupt stop and reaches to pry your hands away, "Please Alpha"

As much as you want to give into her request, part of you hesitates, "Natty, I can't. I don't wanna risk hurting you, or the pup"

Though normally your caring nature and attentiveness to her would have her swooning, right now it only frustrates her. And she finds herself acting on those frustrations.

"Fuck me, or I'll have to do it myself" she growls out, hands clutching the collar of your sleep shirt

You're taken slightly aback by her out of character demand, but you'd be lying if you said it hadn't turned you on. You sit up slightly and plant a too soft and too short kiss against her lips, causing a frown to form on her face. You breathily laugh at her before giving in and sloppily begin to make out with her. She eagerly opens her mouth for you to deepen the kiss. Your grip moves to her hips and you begin to guide her back into the same movements she was doing earlier as the two of you continue to devour each other's lips. Eventually she pulls away, sucking in some much needed air as her hands move to grasp at your shoulders as her core slides against your bulge, and she does her best to muffle another moan by biting down on her lip again.

"If you're going to be needy for my cock then you better let me hear you" you tell her, going along with the gruff mood she's set while pulling her lip free with your thumb

She complies, immediately moaning as your hips begin to move in tandem with her own, your cock now harder than she's ever felt it, "Fuck....baby, please"

"Use you words Omega, tell me what you're begging for"

"You" she whimpers, "I need you, please"

You smirk at he, "You have me, I'm right here"

"I need your cock, and I need it inside me. Please, Alpha" she begs, looking at you with pleading eyes

You quickly flip your positions, pinning her beneath you against the nest, "Such a desperate little thing. I'm going to give you just what you want"

Without warning your strong hands rip her panties and shirt off, exposing her tits and soaked puffy cunt to your hungry eyes. You quickly pull down your boxers, letting your cock spring free. Your Omega squirms in anticipation as you line yourself up and slowly push yourself inside.

"Oh god!" she moans, grabbing ahold of your forearms for support as you stretch her open

"Fuck" you grunt, bottoming out inside her, "I love how you feel around me baby"

Unable to form words currently her mouth hangs open, and her head leans back. You lean forward and begin peppering her exposed neck in kisses as your hips begin to trust. Her nails dig into your skin as you hit that perfect spot inside her, but she still needs more.

"Harder" she whimpers

She feels you smirk against her skin before slamming your hips forward, causing her breasts to bounce. She can feel a bit of milk beginning to leak from them and she can only hope you notice this too. She loves the feeling of your mouth on her, drinking from her as you please her

Your mouth makes its way up her neck to her lips once more and easily slip your tongue inside her awaiting mouth. She softly sucks on the muscle, letting her own tongue caress yours. Eventually you become aware of your sleep shirt becoming damp in two places and you reach to squeeze one of her breasts

She presses herself further into your hold and whimpers, "

Your hips never falter as you toy with her, watching as milk dribbles from her pebbled buds and down to your fingers. After what feels like forever to the Omega you lean down and take her nipple into your mouth and start to suck.

"Fuck baby, your mouth feels so good" she moans, burrying her fingers in your hair as she holds your head against her

You moan around her as her sweet milk coats your tongue, you honestly are glad it'll take a few more months for your pup to arrive because you aren't quite ready to share with more than Dima. When you feel her hold let up you take that as your queue to switch to her other breast

"Yes! Fuck!" she moans as you thrust into her, causing her walls to flutter around you, "I'm so close Alpha, please knot me...need you to fill me up again, please"

You chuckle at her, "You're already full of my pups, but look at you. My personal little cum slut who just never wants to be empty of my seed"

You can tell she likes your degrading words based on how tightly her walls grip you, and your knot prods at her entrance. She wraps her legs around your waist to help pull you in and you lock into place with ease, sending her over the edge with you tumbling after.

After a few moments of catching your breath you look down at her and gently cup her face, "You alright? I wasn't too rough?"

She looks up at you lovingly, "That was perfect baby, thank you. I'm sorry I woke you"

You shake your head, "You don't have to apologize, or thank me. I'm always happy to take care of you. I love you"

She smiles as your hand caresses her small bump and begins to purr, "I love you too"

The two of you cuddle in silence for a few minutes before she looks up at you again, "Alpha, after I give birth and our pup is a certain age, do you think we could maybe try some more things in the bedroom?"

"What kind of things?" you ask, curiosity peaked

"Rougher things" You contemplate for a moment. While you'd love to explore some fantasies with her, you don't want to hurt her. You don't want her to think you're like Bruce.She seems to sense this, "You aren't like him, and I'm not asking to be hit"

You nod, "Okay, then yeah we can talk about it, do some experimenting"

"Thank you Alpha" she excitedly says, kissing your cheek with a smile

"You're welcome Omega, now let's go get cleaned up"

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