Chapter 2

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The ride home for Natasha and Bruce had been silent except for the small noises from the pup in the backseat. But as soon as they're through the front door his hand is around her throat as he presses her back against the wall. Her eyes go wide as she gasps in pain, and tears well up in her eyes as she holds her pup tightly.

"Bruce" she gasps, "Bruce, please"

"Shut. Up." he growls, squeezing a bit tighter, "You know you're not supposed to be near her."

"She was just saying hi" Nat defends, "I didn't do anything wrong."

"Bullshit! You didn't tell her to leave and you didn't leave! You wanted her there!" he yells, pressing her further into the wall

"Please Bruce, not while I hold Dima" she begs as her tears spill down her cheeks, "Please, I don't want you to hurt him."

He releases his hold on her, swiftly taking the pup from her grasp. She whines, following him without being told and watching as he walks the boy to his room and settles him into the small nest. He quietly leaves and gestures for her to go into the bedroom. As soon as she does, he slaps her across the face.

"You stupid bitch. Do you really think I would hurt my own son!?" he seethes

She whimpers, hand clutching her throbbing cheek, "No. Not on purpose. I just didn't want an accident to- "

"An accident?! I am careful with my son Natasha! I would never hurt him, I love him!"

"You tell me that too, yet it never stops you" she retorts, anger clear in her tone

He glares at her for a moment, before running a frustrated hand through his hair, "If you listened to me and looked at me with respect and love like you did her then maybe I wouldn't hit you. But you don't, so I have no choice. It's the only way to keep you in line."

She clenches her fists in anger. She's always known he knew about her feelings for you, otherwise he wouldn't hate you so much or have rules for her not to be around you. But until now he's never actually confirmed it out loud, and honestly hearing it hurts her more than she thought it would. He took away her chance with you, her chance to be could anyone be so cruel.

She shakes her head, tears falling freely as a snarl builds on her lips, "I love her. I could have been happy with her- "

"You should be happy with me!" he yells, pointing at her accusingly, "She was just there, just existing, but I did things for you! I pursued a career in science so I had a good job to provide for you and could relate to your mother! I bulked up and did work out routines to be more like your father! I put up with your annoying asshole of a little sister- "

"Don't talk about Yelena like that!" she yells, earning another slap to her face

"Don't interrupt me!" He growls, "YA dazhe vyuchil russkiy dlya vas!(I even learned Russian for you!)"

"She would have done things for me too!" she retorts, "Things I actually wanted!"

He snarls, "Shut up! You're such an ungrateful mutt! I've given you a home, a pup! You should love me after all I've done for you!"

"You didn't do anything for me! You did everything for you!" she yells, nearly getting in his face, " I never wanted your house or your pups! I never wanted you! I hate you!!"

He roughly grabs her by the back of her neck, forcing her to her knees in a submissive position. The pain causes her to whine but she manages to turn it into a growl to show her defiance and contempt for him.

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