Chapter 6

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Enjoy this special, extra long chapter ❤

    "Good news, nothing is broken. You're being discharged and are free to leave."

Despite being interrupted you are glad to hear that, "Oh good. Well, thank you"

"No problem dear." She says as she nods and sees herself back out of your room

"Well, I'm glad you get to go home. Hospitals are never fun to stay at." Yelena tells you with a smile, "Oh sestra(sister), weren't you saying something?"

Natasha attempts to give her sister a glare but it quickly fades away when she sees you turn to look at her, "Yeah Nat, what were you saying?"

"Oh...uh...well.." she stutters and she hopes her blush isn't noticeable, "You see, I'm staying at a motel out near Yelenas for now, so Bruce can't find me and well, I uh..."

"O moy Bog. Vykladyvay, pozhaluysta.(Oh my god. Spit it out, please)" Yelena whispers with a roll of her eyes

Now Natasha is sure she's as red as her hair, "It's just me and Dima there and...I'm afraid to be alone. Would you mind coming over there with me and staying? Just for a few nights?"

You smile softly at her, "Of course. I don't want you to have to worry about Dimas safety or your own."

"Come on then." Yelena says, "You can drop me off at home and then head to the motel."

You nod and stand from the bed, only to catch the attention of the small pup in the Betas arms. He coos at you and gives you grabby hands which makes you and Yelena chuckle.

"No malyutka(little one)" Natasha tells him, "Stay with Auntie Lena, or let Mama hold you."

You shake your head, "It's fine Nat. I can hold him."

"Are you sure? I don't want him to accidentally hurt one of your injuries." she says as the three of you make your way out of your hospital room and into the hall

"I'm sure, give him here." you say, holding out your arms.

Yelena passes you the boy and as you bring him to your chest he wraps his little arms around your neck. You smile down at him as he nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck and gently rub soothing circles on his back as he settles into you. Natasha smiles wide at the sight, she's sure her heart is about to burst with how much love she feels for you. She's so glad her pup seems to like your company as much as she does.

Wanda smiles as she sees Nat practically giving you heart eyes and she and Yelena share a knowing look before she's looking back at you, "Y/n, did you get cleared to leave?"

You nod, "Yeah, nothings broken."

"Shame Bruce can't say the same" Vision says as he tries his best to hide the smirk that breaks out on his face

Yelena smiles, "Oh? Is that so?"

Wanda nods, "Carol texted us. Apparently Y/n broke his nose, fractured his jaw, cracked three of his ribs, split his lip open, and gave him a concussion."

You can't help the smile that spreads across your face at the news, "Well, I'm glad my injuries weren't as bad. Still, I kinda wish I broke his neck too."

Yelena laughs as she pats you on the back, "True he deserved more, but good job."

Your small group starts to walk down the hall, heading for the exit. Instinctively you end up walking next to the other Alpha, Vision, as Wanda falls in line behind Yelena and next to Natasha.

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