Chapter 3

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Confused by the sudden and frantic knocking on her apartment's front door, Yelena grabs her phone before she approaches to open it. Better safe than sorry she figures.

When she sees her sister and nephew standing there she's filled with worry, but that quickly turns to anger when she sees her sister's swollen and bruised cheek along with her split lip.

"Sestra(sister). Come in, come in." she quickly says, taking a step back and gesturing wildly with her hand. As soon as her door is shut and locked behind her she cups her older sisters face, "What happened? Are you and Dima ok?"

At the mention of his name the young pup looks up, smiling as he sees his Aunt. She smiles back, pinching his cheek lightly which causes him to giggle. Natasha smiles, relaxation and safety soaking into her.

"Dimas ok." she answers shakily

Yelenas brows furrow, "And you?"

The Omega shakes her head, a few tears rolling down her cheeks, "N-no"

Yelena quickly wraps her up in her embrace, trying her best to make the older woman feel safe and secure. She's no Alpha, but as a Beta she still has the ability to scent and calm a distressed Omega. That Omega being family certainly helps.

"Its ok, I've got you now sestra(sister)"

Her words cause Natashas dam to break, and she freely sobs into her little sister's shoulder. Being concerned with his mama, Dima lets out a small cry of his own and Yelena is quick to wrap an arm around him as well.

"Did Bruce hurt you again?" she asks, already knowing and yet fearing the answer

"Yes. All because Y/n said hi to Wanda and I at the park and stayed to chat."

"But something tells me he did more than hit you" Yelena adds

"He...he...he said he was going to put another pup in me. That doing so w-would mellow me out and if I didn't claim him when he knotted me, he wasn't going to let me see Wanda e-ever again" she manages to get out between sobs

Yelena growls, "That bastard. He won't touch you again."

"You can't promise that." Nat replies

"I can. You're with me now. I'll keep you safe." She assures her

Natasha shakes her head, "Sestra(sister), this is the first place he'll look for me"

"Which is why, you won't be staying here." She says with a mischievous smile

About thirty minutes later Yelena is pulling her sister's car into the parking lot of a motel. She parks it before grabbing Dima, holding her sister's hand as she walks to the front desk.

"Hi there, can I get you guys a room?"

"Yes but it's just for my sister and the little guy here." Yelena replies

The receptionist nods, "Not a problem at all, we have plenty of rooms that cater to the needs of an Omega and their pup. Can I get the name the room will be registered under?"

The redhead nods, "Na- "

"Natalie Rushman." Yelena quickly cuts in

Natasha stays quiet, allowing a false identity to be used for her but she does have one thing to ask, "Would it be possible for my sister to get a spare key to my room?"

"Of course dear. Here you are, everything is all set. You're in room 84"

She takes the key and makes her way back out with Yelena by her side. The blonde fully intends to stay a while to help her get settled in and comfortable and she's very grateful for that and once that's done she knows she needs to update Wanda on things.

At first you didn't know how to handle the horrible news Wanda had told you. You felt a multitude of things. Anger at yourself for not noticing the woman you loved was suffering, sadness for her current situation, worry as you had no idea what your first move to help her should be, and finally disgust and rage at Bruce for all that he's done to her.

You knew in order to think straight you needed to clear your head. So once you got home you took out all your frustrations on your punching bag, not even caring at the numbness that was eating away at your knuckles. Once the storm in your mind subsided you gave yourself a few minutes to cool off and rehydrate.

After that you changed outfits and hopped into your car, heading to the only place you knew you could get advice on the situation. The Maximoffs.

Wanda wasn't surprised to find you looking absolutely distraught on her doorstep. In fact she was sure you'd show up. That didn't stop her from being happy to see you though.

"Y/n!" She greet, giving you a hug

"Hey Wanda. I'm sure you can guess why I'm here."

She nods, "You're going to help Nat. You just don't know how."

"Yeah. Was hoping you could help me find a starting point." You reply

"Absolutely. Come on in. Vis knows everything." She says, stepping aside to let you in

"Y/n, good to see you." He greets before kissing his mate, "I'm going upstairs to get out of these work clothes. I'll be right back darling."

She smiles with a nod and the two of you move to the kitchen. She picks up a cup of tea and takes a sip, she's about to offer to make you a cup but before she can a tremendous bang and crashing sound comes from her entryway.

Instinctively you move yourself in front of Wanda to ensure her safety as the two of you round the corner. But you were very unprepared for the first that met your face. And Wand lets out a shout of surprise.

In your stunned state your attacker is easily able to grab you, slamming you face into the wall so hard you're sure you hear your brain rattle.

"Get the hell off her! And get out of my house!" Wanda shouts as her Alphas frantic footsteps can be heard bounding down the stairs

"Shut up bitch!" The man seethes and that when you realize who it is that has you in his grip. Bruce.

You elbow him, and he lets go of you with a grunt. You're growling at him menacingly as Vision enters, quickly wrapping his arms around Wanda.

"What the hell do you think you're doing Banner?!" He shouts, "You can't just break into my house and yell at my mate and attack my friend!"

"This doesn't involve you!" He snaps, focusing his gaze on you with a snarl

"Like hell it doesn't!" He retorts, "You involved me in this the moment you decided to kick my door in and frighten Wanda!"

"Just shut up you pompous ass!" he growls, "Where is she Y/n?! Where's Natasha?!! Where's my son?!"

Your brows furrow, "What- "

Your sentence is cut off as he tackles you and the two of you skid across the floor. Vision quickly moves himself and Wanda out of your way, as the Omega shouts in fear, "Bruce, stop!!"

Knowing that he isn't strong enough to pull two dueling Alphas apart, Vision does the only possible thing, he calls the police. More precisely he calls Captain Danvers, a close friend of everyone involved in this, besides Bruce of course. While on the phone with her he watches along with his mate as the scuffle gets more violent. The two of you are trading blow for blow and the Alpha knows you'll both have various injuries after this.

"Where's my Omega and my pup!?" he shouts, swinging at you, "What have you done with my mate?!"

"Mate?!" you growl, "You mean prisoner!"

His scowl deepens, "She's not a prisoner!! She's my Omega, my Natasha!! I claimed her, I love her!!"

"But she didn't claim you!! She doesn't love you!!"

He charges at you with a roar, and the next thing the Maximoffs knew, the two of you were launching through their sliding glass door and into their backyard.

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