Drabble #2: Trauma

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   Natasha jolts awake to the sound of your phone ringing and not realizing that it has already awoken her, you quickly toss the covers aside and walk a fair distance away before groggily answering.

"Hello?.....Okay.....Yeah, I can be there.....See you soon"

You turn around with the intent to wake your mate and explain what was going on only to find her already starting to sit up with her sleep filled eyes staring at you. You sigh, regretting that your pregnant Omega was now awake so early due to your phone.

"I'm sorry, my love" you apologize, sitting down on her nest again

She does her best to steady her heart rate and breathing before speaking, "What- what's going on?"

"That was Tony. Unfortunately one of the security guards that was scheduled to be in today has had a major family emergency, and I'm the only one that answered his call, so it looks like I'll be heading into work today"


You immediately pick up on her unease, which was likely due to the fact that you hadn't had to go into Stark Industries for a full day of work since her pregnancy. And even before that you'd never had to go in on such a short notice, which gave her time to make plans with the likes of: Yelena, Clint, Wanda or Carol.

"Omega, are you okay?" you ask, worried she'll be upset at your departure

"Yes, I just...I'm not used to being alone. I'm sorry."

"Hey, it's ok love." you soothe, cupping her face, "I'm sorry I have to go in, you know I'd rather be here with you. But we can video chat on my lunch break, ok?"

"Okay, thank you Alpha"

"Of course" you say with a nod before leaning in to kiss her temple, "Now I need to get ready. I'll wake you to say goodbye if you fall back asleep"

"Okay" she answers, though she knows the likelihood of that happening is low as she'll be too anxious thinking about the possibilities of what she'll do without you and any friends for the day

Sure enough, when you get out of your very fast shower ten minutes later she is still wide awake and staring at the ceiling. Your heart aches at the scene, but unfortunately you don't have the time to dwell on it as you need to get dressed. You head to the closet and get your black suit, white dress shirt and black tie out. You grab a pair of boxers and slide them on before putting the rest of your attire on.

As you take a seat on the side of your bed to slide on your shoes she gets up from the nest and makes her way over to sit next to you. She leans her head against your shoulder and lets out a sigh, as she's not quite ready to without your presence. You pause what you're doing and wrap an arm around her waist to hold her even closer. She takes this gesture a step farther by wrapping her arms around your neck as she buries her face against your collarbone.

Your hold on her tightens a bit as you rub soothing circles into her back, "Do you want me to try calling anyone? That way you don't have to be alone?"

She shakes her head, "No, don't wanna bother anyone. I'll be ok, I'll just miss you."

"I'll miss you too, detka(baby)" you assure her, kissing the top of her head

She kisses your neck in return before pulling away to kiss you properly. She smiles against your lips when she feels your hand reach down to caress her belly, and she wonders if you even realize you do that now. Maybe it's something you do due to a subconscious protective instinct, or maybe you actively do it as a form of comfort for the both of you. Whatever the cause, she enjoys the extra bit of affection.

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