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The sky has been rumbling for what feels like hours.
Lightning keeps flashing one after another. You hate being home alone in your big house you're sharing with Mason, especially during times like this.

You're hiding in your and Mason's bedroom, you're sitting on top of the bed with headphones and loud music blasting in your ears to keep the sound of the thunder and lightning away.

The curtains are closed to protect yourself from getting blinded. It's a routine you've had since you were 15, when you got struck by lightning. It's been said that out of every 10 people struck, nine will survive. You see yourself as a lucky one, but it doesn't make it easier knowing Mason is on his way home from training in this horrible weather.

It's been going on for about an hour and all you've done is occupied yourself with loud music in your eras and keeping your eyes closed to remain calm. It wasn't just the thunderstorm stressing you out, it was also the fact that Mason was still out there on the roads. His training ended about 40 minutes ago and it doesn't take this long for him to come home. The thought of him driving home in a thunderstorm made you feel really sick. 

You keep checking your phone for a response from him but there's no answer, and there's one reason for that...the message hasn't been delivered.

"Fucking hell", you mumble stressfully. You took a deep breathe and put the phone away so you could go back to closing your eyes and listen to music.

Minutes passed and passed but you didn't open your eyes once. Not until you felt your headphones being taken off. You open your eyes to see Mason sitting in front of you on the bed.

"What took you so long", you said in a worried tone but feeling relieved as you hug him.

"The roads were blocked everywhere."

"I was so worried", you leaned back from the hug and cupped his face in your hands.

Worry was was plastered all over Mason's face. He knows how afraid you are of lightning and thunder, so he knew that this thunderstorm had been a nightmare for you.

"You okay?" Mason asked as he wrapped his arms around you again. His presence was enough to make you feel safe.

You still jumped a bit when there was a sudden and extremely loud thunderclap, but you still felt comfort from Mason's hug and his lips pressing against the side of you head.

"It's okay, you're safe" 

"I know, I know...", you mumbled as you loosened your grip on him, making him do the same.

"I was worried. I couldn't get a hold of you.", you gave him a little pout. 

"Sorry, my phone must've glitched because of the storm. I didn't get any calls or messages through", he explained which made totally sense because your messages didn't go through either.

"You weren't hit by any lightning right", you asked concerned

"No I'm all good don't worry", he smiled at you.

"Good", you said relieved.

"I've always wondered how it feels to get hit by lightning", he giggled as he thought about it

"Trust me, you don't", you said as you looked down your arm, you rolled your sleeve down that was halfway up.

There's still that burnt skin from the time you got struck. You still remember the pain you felt and how you thought they'd amputate it off. Luckily it wasn't a severe burn, but it will always be a part of you and something you've always been insecure about.

"Don't hide it", Mason said as he rolled up your sleeve again.

"It's ugly", you said as you looked at him.

"It's not ugly. I think it looks cool. Imagine being able to say that you got hit by lightning", Mason said hoping it would make you feel better, which it did.

You smiled at him as he placed a kiss on the burnt part of your arm. "Don't hide it", he looked at you with a comforting smile.

"Ok", you smiled back.

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