Question your love

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💛AN: Speedy recovery to Mase, I'm glad his surgery went well :)  I wasn't going to post this today but I've done all my homework and stuff and I had a lot of time so hope you like it!



In recent weeks, or even months, Mason has been on and off training a lot. He's been very hard on himself, which you've understood. You've been there for him as much as you can and also given him time and space for himself, but despite that, he doesn't seem to care that much about your efforts.

You're hoping that today it can change. You have a dinner with your coworkers, and everyone's bringing their partners. You're excited to go, especially to bring Mason with you because this might be the first time you get to go out with him in months.

"Hey, Mase?"

"Mhm," he mumbled as he was scrolling through his phone.

"There's this dinner from work...," you started off as you sat next to him on the couch.

"Mhm," he kept mumbling, giving you the feeling that he had no interest, but you continued.

"We can bring a plus one, and I really want you to come. I've checked, and you have a day off, so you don't have to worry about training or anything," you said excitedly.

"Sure," he said bluntly, like he really didn't care. You felt somewhat hurt, but at least he agreed to it, and that was all you needed to know.


A few days have passed, and dinner is tonight. You've reminded Mason here and there so he wouldn't forget, and he assured you that he wouldn't miss it.

Right now, he's out with his friends, just clearing out his head after another loss in yesterday's game. You felt bad about it and made sure to just comfort him, also hoping that today would put a smile on his face.

You started getting ready; it was a very formal dinner at a very posh restaurant. So you made sure to put on a nice black silk dress that went down to your feet with a slit, curled your long hair, and put some jewelry on.

As you were getting ready, you tried calling Mason, but he didn't pick up. You sent text messages and voice notes, almost panicking because the Uber would be here in just a few minutes.

You tried calling his friends too, but no one picked up. You weren't even sure who he was out with or what he did, but you needed to try and call them.

"Come on, Mason," you said out loud, frustrated as you tried calling him again.

For a few moments, you waited, but there was still no sign of him. The Uber was here, and you couldn't wait longer; you had to go without him.

The whole car ride, you felt like crying. You had really done everything you could to be there for him through his toughest moments and just try to make him smile and feel somewhat okay, but the one time you need him, he doesn't show up.

That made you question his love for you. Were you just not important to him anymore? How can he forget something that means a lot to you? Does he just not want to be with you?

The car parked outside the restaurant, and you headed inside, feeling nervous and almost embarrassed that you didn't have Mason next to you. They were so excited to meet him and were probably going to be disappointed.

"Y/N, you're here!" One of your friends, Lisa, walked up to you.

"Lisa! Hi," you said, hugging her before hugging her partner too.

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