Your period has always been irregular, through recent months it has gotten a bit better, your calendar is always accurate but the problem is that you have your period twice a month instead of once.
You've googled and researched what the cause could be and nothing seems to fit your description, and you're sure you don't have any diagnoses of anything that the list has mentioned. It's been like this for a while and you've just gone along with it without seeing a doctor.
Your cramps have also gotten worse by the time that has passed. When you were younger it never hurt, you were always cool with it. But now, you don't only have bad cramps during your period, but also days before. You're good at hiding the pain from Mason, because you know he gets worried about it all the time, but some days you just can't pretend it's all ok.
Today was one of those days. You got your period the night before and it wasn't until this morning the heavy flow started and the cramps kicked in.
Mason was at training, he had left before you woke up. You had called Steve, your boss from work, that you can't come in today and tomorrow. He was ok with it but you still had to figure out how to manage the pain.
Like usual you heat up your heating pad, due to the heavy flow you have to change pads often which also isn't so fun to do. You don't like wearing tampons, you still haven't managed to figure out how to put it in so you've always had pads. This means that you're also scared of laying down in bed or sitting on your white couch, because you don't want it to get stained. You sit on the marble floor with the heating pad on your stomach.
You feel tired and the cramps make you groan a lot. You usually don't eat a lot on your period either, you just drink a lot of water.
It had been about 4-5 hours and Mason is on his way home. You have just eaten fruit and sat on the couch with a towel underneath in case it leaks. You've been watching movies all day but the cramps have disturbed your peace many times.
You heard the door open, Mason didn't expect you to be home, he thought you would've been at work, so when he saw you he got concerned.
"Babe why are you home? I thought you finished late on Tuesdays?", he asked with a worried look on his face.
You turn your head and smile weakly at him. "Hey Mase, yea...plans changed", you responded, not evaluating your answer.
"Why, is everything ok", he walked over and placed a kiss on your cheek before he walked around the couch.
"Uhmmm", you looked at him and there was no point in saying anything because he knew as soon as he walked around the couch.
"Oh...again", he asked, he had a sad expression on his face. His words made your emotional, so emotional you started crying.
"I'm so tired of it", you complained as you buried your face in your hands. Mason quickly walked over and sat next to you. He pulled you into a hug.
"I know", he whispered as he comforted you.
"It's not even been two weeks since last time you had your period, somethings not right Y/N", he said as he removed your hands from your face.
"I'm not going to the doctors, they're going to make a big deal out of it", you looked at him
"Maybe it is a big deal Y/N, I mean you're in constant pain two weeks a month, it's not normal, even I know it", he said
You leaned your head back as you held your stomach.
"I'll go, just not now please", you looked at him tiredly
"How about I'll take you tomorrow, my training starts late so I'll take you in the morning", he asked
"Fine", you said quietly.
"Have you eaten anything", he asked as he caressed your cheek
You shook your head. "just fruit but not much", you looked at him
"You need to eat darling. You look weak and have no energy", he said holding your hand close to his chest.
Before you could say anything another cramp made you groan and lift your legs up to curl into a ball.
Mason quickly pulled you into his arms again. "I wish I could take the pain away from you", he said feeling guilty to see you like this.
"It's ok, I'm used to it", you said as you buried your head into his chest.
"I'll go get changed and then we can cuddle all day, would you like that", Mason asked
"That would be nice", you weakly smiled as you looked up at him.
He placed his hand on your cheek and softly connected his lips to yours.