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It wasn't easy for you to sleep; you had this problem since childhood, and by the time you've gotten older, you haven't bothered asking for help because, in the end, you do eventually fall asleep.

These days, you don't get too much sleep though; you're automatically awake because it's a routine at this point. You lay down in bed, have your eyes open, and are waiting for that one phone call from your best friend, Mason.

He calls in the middle of the night most days. It doesn't matter what day it is; you just need to be prepared at all times to help him through his tough days with his girlfriend.

You've known Mason your whole life; you've seen the girls he's dated, and half of them barely care who he is; they just want his fame to build their own businesses.

It wasn't easy for you to see him go through his breakups; some were only hookups, but those were only for him to get distracted with.

As his best friend, of course it's your duty to make sure he's okay, and that's what you've done for the past years, but as a person who's in love with their best friend, it wasn't easy at all.

You've had a crush on him for years; you don't even remember how it happened, but you know it's been a very long time. You tried dating other guys to get over your feelings for him, but you would end up comparing, and it wasn't fair to the other guys.

You would think he would've noticed how much you like him, but to say he's oblivious is an understatement. That was one thing you hated about him.

And now he's dating a complete prick. A woman who is not only self-centered but also an attention-seeking, manipulative asshole who lives off of his money.

You didn't dare tell Mason to leave her; you had done it once to another girl he was with, and it almost made your whole friendship end in chaos.

You had to remind yourself that he's a grown man and that it's his decision, but the fact that you have to pick up the broken pieces that his girlfriend leaves in him every week is exhausting. And it hurts you to know that Mason can't see how much it affects you too.

That's what you're currently waiting for. A phone call from him, asking you to open the door so he can complain and let his feelings out.

You were praying you could get some sleep tonight, but as you had predicted, your phone was ringing at 2 a.m. You grabbed it and answered, already knowing what was up.


"The door is unlocked; I'm in my bedroom," you told him before hanging up.

You sighed as you put your phone down, wondering what it was this time. Last week, he came and complained about how she was ungrateful for the designer bags he had bought her. He was pissed, so you let him vent.

A few days ago, he came to complain about how she couldn't go to family dinner with his parents because she thought watching a fashion show was more important than family. You let him vent that time too.

You might've been single for a long time, but even you know that a girl who doesn't want to meet their partner's family is a girl who's not prioritizing the relationship.

"Y/N." You heard Mason's voice and squinted your eyes when he turned the light on in your bedroom.

"Morning," you joked as you rubbed your eyes to wake yourself up a bit.

"I'm sorry, I know it's late."

"It's fine, sit here," you patted the other side of your bed.

"No," he said, shaking his head. "I can't stay too long," he said.

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