Birthday Surprise

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AN: Happy birthday to our Money Mase💙

You and Mason have been in a long-distance relationship for quite some time now. You both met last year on vacation in Greece; you became close friends in just a few days and exchanged numbers.

After the trip, he went back to London, and you went back to your home city. You were studying for your last year at university, having only a few months left before graduating.

You two had been FaceTiming nonstop for about 4 months, becoming closer than ever, until you finally attended one of his games he invited you to. You spent a week with him in London, meeting his family and friends. You two were so close that he finally had the guts to ask you to be his girlfriend. Of course you said yes.

It's been about three months since that week. And despite the FaceTime calls, you both missed each other so much that it was getting more difficult. Hearing him talk to you about how awful football was going, and not being able to be there for him and give him a hug or a kiss to make him feel better, killed you every time.

It was after New Years you saw on your schedule that you'd have a week off from university, meaning you could actually go to London and be with him on his birthday.

You had contacted his brother Lewis, telling him that you have a week's break and that you're planning on coming to London.

Lewis had this great idea of making it a surprise for Mason. He had managed to convince you, so you let him start planning it.

You had face-timed Mason the night before his birthday, completely convincing him that you were at home and that you'd be pretty busy on his birthday, telling him not to call or text you and to focus on himself and have fun.

The next morning on his birthday, Mason had training early, so he had to leave. Lewis had slept over at his house, planning the surprise and the party with his parents and other family members who had come over to help.

Woody picked you up from the airport, taking you to Mason's place. As soon as you got there, you greeted all his family and his friends who were there already.

"So what's the plan?" You asked Lewis.

"The plan is for you to get inside this," he said, showing you a tall cardboard box.

"Uhmm what?" You looked at him confused.

"Get in that box, and when he opens it, he'll find you inside," Lewis smiled excitedly.

"Okay, fine," you gave in.

There were still some time left before he came back from training. You helped with the decorations and the food, bonding with his family more. They were all talking about how much Mason has been missing you and how he's always talking about you; it made your heart warm.

Time passed by fast. Lewis had received a text from Mason saying that he was on his way home.

"Y/N, its time!" Lewis dragged you to the box. Some of Masons old school friends who were there, helped you get inside the box. They had to lift the box and let it fall over you. As soon as you were inside, you heard them wrap paper around to make it look nice.

While you were waiting in there, you tried to calm your nerves down; it had been months since you met him, and you couldn't wait to hug him and kiss him all over his face.

A few minutes had passed; you were starting to get impatient, but you quickly heard his voice. Your heart instantly beat faster when you heard his parents and friends tell him happy birthday.

"So, Mase, I actually have to leave soon; would you mind if you opened the gifts now?" You heard Lewis make his excuse.

You took deep breaths, knowing this was it. You were finally going to be in your boyfriend's arms again after such a long time.

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