Chapter Eleven:

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Again, I've lost track of time as my phone dings with a text from Hunter asking where I am. My eyes widen when I see the time. It's already six, an hour after I'm supposed to be off. At the last minute, I place some books in the correct pile before leaping to my feet and rushing out of the aisle.

When I see Ender, I pause. "I'm headed out." I tell him.

Without looking, he gives me a slight head nod. More of a lazy tilt. I accept that as his grand attempt at saying goodbye before making my way out of the shop. The sun is beginning to cast shadows behind the mountains. A cool breeze blows through as I walk quickly towards Henry's house.


When I approach the house, Hunter's car is already parked alongside the curb. Surprised, I knock lightly on his window, making his head lift from staring down at his phone. I'm excited to see him. A smile splits across my face at the sight of him. The butterflies awake from their slumber.

He rolls the window down slowly, a serious look on his face that makes my smile falter. "I've been sitting here waiting for over an hour." He grumbles.

"Well, why would you do that? I told you I'm not off until five."

"It's after six."

I'm taken aback by his frustration towards me. My smile flops. An irritation now rising in me at his attitude. "You should have waited until I texted you. I got held up."

He rubs a hand along his jawline. "Can we just leave now?"

"Uh, sure, okay." I walk over to the passenger seat and hop in. "Sorry you were waiting so long."

Putting his car in drive, his mood is radiating off him, like steam lifting from his clothes. Why is he so angry? It's such a switch from his usual upbeat self. "Are you okay?" I ask him cautiously.

"I hate when people cancel plans at the last second."

"Hunter, I wasn't cancelling. I really did loose track of time." I'm watching him, but he's refusing to look at me. What the hell? There has to be something else going on to make him so worked up about this. He's making it a bigger deal then it really is. But I don't want to make him feel like his feelings aren't valid. I should have sent him a text letting him know.

Dropping one hand from the steering wheel, he reaches over and places it on top of my leg. "Where do you work?" He asks, changing the subject all together.

I'm thankful for the conversation switch. That he's choosing to let it go. "Rainy Day Books."

He snorts, a condescending sound, before he arches an eyebrow. "That run down shop that should've closed down thirty years ago?"

I frown. "The store is amazing! Have you gone in there? There're so many books. It's my idea of heaven."

"That place is a disaster. So is Maggie. Old lady needs to be put in an assisted living. You know the past five years she walks around town looking for her old cat? That thing got hit by a car years ago, but she's convinced it's still wandering the streets somewhere."

Poor Maggie. "That's so sad. Maybe I'll get her a new cat."

He shoots me a look. "The last thing she needs is another cat. More like a psych evaluation."

I intake a deep breath. His mood is on another level today. So, I try to change the topic again. "Well, Ender and I have been working to organize the store. Who knows? Maybe we'll fix the place up and it'll look as good as new."

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