Chapter Thirty-Eight:

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I hate that Katherine and Henry are leaving for Hunter's family's Christmas Eve party. I hate that I'm staying at home alone, just as I have in the past.

If I eat another one of these Christmas cookies that Henry and I made, I'll surely throw up.

After a week of being alone, of hiding out in my room, feeling so depressed that I swear it's going to swallow me whole, I realize the last thing I want right now, on Christmas Eve, is to continue being alone.

In my room, I quickly shower and get ready, throwing on a sweater with some jeans before making my way over. Before I change my mind altogether.


He's probably not even home right now. It's Christmas Eve. It's stupid to assume he wants to spend time with me on Christmas Eve when he's probably busy with his family. What if his mom is home? What if she's sleeping after a long shift at work?

Oh, God.

I'm an idiot. Why did I even come here?

I should turn around and go back home. They don't want to be bothered.

But what if he's alone on Christmas Eve too?

Do it. Don't do it. Do it.

My hand raises to ring the doorbell, drops back down, then raises again.

Until suddenly the front door is being thrown open, mid my hand raising for the doorbell. I freeze, my eyes widening as a woman appears. Shit. Is this his mom? It doesn't look like his mom. She looks really young. But they have the same dark hair, same olive skin.

My mouth hangs open. I didn't plan very well for this. I can't believe I just disturbed them on Christmas Eve. "Sorry, uh, sorry—"

She arches an eyebrow. "Can I help you?"

"Um, no. I mean, I came here to see Ender. I'm really sorry to disturb you—"

Her eyes light up. "You're here for Ender?"

"Well, yeah..." I give her a sheepish smile. "I'm sorry. I'll leave."

Ender then appears behind her in the doorway, and I want to shrivel away. Rewind time. My shoulders sag as I curl into myself, my arms folding tight across my chest. "Auden, hey, is everything okay?" He asks me with a worried expression on his face.

My cheeks flush. "I'm fine."

His mom looks up at him. "She came to see you." Before turning back to me and waving me inside. "Well, come on then. It's not everyday someone comes by looking for Ender."

"Thanks, Mom." He says flatly.

"We were just about to sit down for dinner."

My eyes widen. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. We'd love for you to join us." She gives me a smile and I relax a bit as I step inside his house. "What did you say your name was?" She asks me.

"Oh, I didn't, sorry, it's Auden."

She reaches out and pulls me in for a hug. A warm, caring hug. A hug that I've desperately needed for a while now. I don't think she even realizes how badly I needed a warm embrace. One that doesn't leave me feeling hurt or empty inside. "Nice to meet you, Auden. Call me Libby. I'm Ender's mom, as you've probably realized by now. How do you two know each other?"

"We met at Maggie's bookshop. I worked there for a bit."

"Oh! How sweet. I'm so glad Ender's made a friend." She reaches over and pinches his cheek.

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