Chapter Twenty:

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As the end of my shift approaches, I hurry and place the last of the nonfiction novels on the shelf, and the ones that aren't in that genre in a pile off to the side. Very gradually, everything is beginning to look better and less cluttered. Even though I sort of like the cluttered look. The books consuming every square inch of this store. Mountains of them placed haphazardly all over.

I almost didn't realize how wide the aisles actually are. With the books being put in their proper places on the shelves, more space is opening up, making the store look larger and less claustrophobic.

Standing on my feet, I dust my hands off on the front of my jeans.

"Auden," I jump at the sound of my name and turn towards the end of the aisle where Hunter stands, large bouquet of flowers in his hand. Expensive looking flowers. Not the cheap kind that you can buy at the grocery store. His face is fixed into this somber look, like he's trying really hard to win me back over with a puppy dog face. "Hey." He says slowly, then gives me an I'm-sorry-for-punching-you-in-the-face-please-accept-these-flowers type of smile.

I fold my arms across my chest and give him a serious look. "What do you want?"

"Well, I got these for you." He says and holds them out in front of him. Cautiously, I bring myself closer to him and take the flowers from his hand. They are beautiful and smell amazing. "Is your shift almost over? I was hoping we could talk."

I look up at his face. The first boy who's shown me kindness. Who's taken an interest in me. The first boy to take me on dates and kiss me and make me feel wanted and beautiful. The first boy I've had feelings for. It's hard to look at him and not see that boy. The one I've become close with over the last few months. Yet, somewhere hidden behind his charming smile and caring eyes, there's that version of him in the car. The one who became so angry. I don't understand it. Maybe it really was just a big mistake. It's obvious he feels guilty over it, or he wouldn't be here right now.

"Please, Auden." He pleads.

I nod. "Give me five. I'll meet you outside."

"Okay, yeah, I'll wait for you." He smiles before turning and leaving the aisle. I hear the bell from the door ding once he leaves. Exhaling a heavy breath, I hope I'm not making a massive mistake. I'm feeling torn, unsure of what the right thing to do is. I want to believe he cares about me. That we can move past this and maybe come out stronger. He's not like the men my mother has dated. He made a mistake and now he's sorry for it. He recognizes what he did. I have a friend group thanks to him, and I'm less alone. He's made me feel happy. I don't want to lose that.

The men my mother dated would have never brought her flowers or taken her on dates, or apologized. This is different. I need it to be different.

Pulling my hair forward over my shoulders, I make my way out to the front to clock out. Ender is already behind the front desk when I get there, pen cap in his mouth as he looks out the front door window with a distracted look.

"I'm heading out." I tell him and maneuver myself over to the computer.

He quietly steps aside, plopping the pen cap from his mouth as he leans against the counter, his body not far from mine, and it's all I can focus on. I type in my password and clock out before turning towards him. Ender's eyes are on me, and his gaze is intense.

He always looks like he's battling something inside. It's evident in the sadness behind the stormy grey of his eyes. How have I never fully noticed his eyes before? Maybe because I've never gotten a good glimpse of them until now. His eyes resemble dark rain clouds in the sky. Inner turmoil has stained his irises.

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