Chapter Fifty-Five:

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When I hear the sound of the door, I skid out of my room and towards the staircase. At the sound of Henry's voice, I hide behind the wall so I can hear the interaction between him and Ender.

"Hi, sir." Ender speaks quietly, his voice barely reaching the top of the stairs.

"Hey, Kid. How have you been? I'm sorry I haven't come by to check in on you and your mom." Henry's always-sunny personality radiates up here. I can imagine the smile on his face and the warm embrace of his company.

"Don't worry about it, thank you. I've been alright."

"I'm happy you and Auden have become friends. She needs a good kid like you in her life. Just don't hurt her."

"I would never hurt, Auden, sir. I care about her a lot."

A dopey smile grows on my face at his words. I genuinely think Ender is the last person I need to worry about hurting me. In the time that I've known him, he hasn't expressed a mean bone in his body. He has so much to offer the world. I'm lucky enough to even be able to call him my friend.

"I believe it. You've always had a kind heart. Well, Auden's up in her room. Go ahead. I can order you guys food later if you get hungry."

"Thank you, sir." I hear Ender start walking up the stairs.

"Oh, and, uh, keep the door open." Henry adds quickly.

"Yes, sir."

When Ender turns the corner, I pop out and scare him, making him jolt. "Jesus. Fuck." He slaps his hand against his heart. When his brain realizes it's me, he shakes his head with a smile and tosses his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into him. "Spying on our conversation, huh?"

"Didn't want to miss any comments that might boost my ego."

"I can tell you them all to your face, as often as you'd like." He kisses my forehead before I lead him towards my bedroom, where I eagerly close the door behind us. "Uh," Ender bobs to one side, his gaze fixed on the door. "Henry wants us to keep the door open."

I shoot him a mischievous smile before hopping over to him and wrapping my arms around his waist as I step onto his feet. Craning my neck to look up at him, I anxiously await his kiss. "We should probably keep the door closed for what I have planned for us. For Henry's sanity."

Ender shakes his head with a breathless laugh before leaning his head down to kiss me. But just as quickly, he reaches behind me and opens the door.

I gap at him. "The betrayal."

He walks me back against the wall, placing his hands on either side of me, caging me in as his eyes undress me. "I don't want to make Henry think he can't trust me." He says it lightly.

Ender looks so hot in this position with me pinned against the wall as he peers down at me with his stormy eyes, looking like he wants to devour me right here, right now. His hands lightly land on my hips, easing me closer so our stomachs meet. Warmth gathers in my stomach and travels down between my legs.

God. Ender.

Sometimes, he doesn't seem real. Like a figment of my imagination. As if I created him in my mind to help ease my loneliness.

We're hidden in the corner of my room, the door hiding us, as his hands begin to move over me like a paintbrush on a canvas. His eyes sweep over me once more, and I'm left breathless under his gaze. Gradually, his hand makes its way to the side of my neck, and he lowers his mouth to mine. "We'll keep it PG today." He says.


He smiles against my lips. "Careful, Auden, you're going to make sure I'm never welcomed here again."

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