Chapter Thirty-Four:

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"Where are you going?" I question Henry as he shoulders himself into a black blazer.

Katherine saunters down the stairs moments later in a tight red dress, her hair curled nicely. "Dinner with the Woolf's." She says as Henry holds out her coat and helps her into it.

My body goes rigid, my eyes darting to Henry. "You're having dinner with them? Just you four?" No, they can't.

"Laura and your mother planned it together. They hit it off so well the other night. I hope that's okay with you, Auden?" Henry grabs his car keys off the table by the front door.

"Would it even matter? You're already leaving." I follow them to the door. "Can I at least come?"

"Auden, please," Katherine rolls her eyes. "You're being ridiculous. We're having dinner with them, adults only. Henry left some cash for you on the counter."

"Feel free to invite some of your friends over while we're gone." Henry gives me a smile.

How thoughtful. They're out the door before I have a second to protest. I lift my finger to my mouth and begin gnawing away anxiously. Katherine in the same vicinity as George isn't a good thing. I don't trust her. She's going to ruin everything. She's up to something—I know it.


Faran arrives at Henry's house about thirty minutes after Henry and Katherine left for dinner. I want to believe that Faran and I are friends, but sometimes I'm still unsure. She so quickly turned on Wednesday, and over what? The drama between them confuses me. Especially since it sounds like they've been friends for a while.

Throwing her arms around me, Faran hugs me tightly, letting out an excited squeal right in my ear. When she pulls back, she flaunts a bottle of vodka in the air. "Snatched it from my parents' liquor cabinet."

"Genius." I tell her with fake enthusiasm.

"So crazy being inside Henry's house." Faran's eyes wander around the entry. "It's like going inside your teacher's home. Super weird."

The two of us wander into the kitchen, where we pop open the vodka and I search around the fridge for a mixer. I manage to find some orange juice and place it on the counter where Faran begins pouring our drinks. "I'm honestly so surprised you invited me to come hang out tonight. Our first girls' night!" She raises her glass, and I clink mine with hers. "You and Hunter have been in your own little bubble lately. The honeymoon phase is the best. Thankfully, I think Jacob and I will always be in the honeymoon phase. We're obsessed with each other." She leans her hip against the counter. "Are you and Hunter still doing okay?" She pries and lifts her glass to her lips.

I swirl the contents in my glass, my eyes peering down as it sloshes against the sides. "Fine." I lie and give her a pinched smile before swallowing a large gulp of my drink.

She gives an unusually silent nod before refilling her glass. "We should play truth or dare!" Faran exclaims with excitement, then lifts herself onto the counter, her legs swinging back and forth.

I am starting to become happy that I invited Faran over. She keeps me distracted, at least enough to the point where I'm not completely my usual miserable self.

"I'll go first," She begins, and points her drink at me. "Truth or dare?" She asks with a wiggle of her eyebrows.

I lean my back against the counter. "Dare."

"Brave." Drumming her fingers along her chin, she makes a face like she's thinking really hard about this, and I begin to grow nervous of the questions she may ask or the dares she will want me to do. I hope the alcohol kicks in soon and calms my never-ending nerves. The unwanted thoughts that overtake my mind. The most awful thoughts that tear me down every time I speak. I'm my worst enemy. I'm my worst critic. Nothing I do is ever good enough for my mind.

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