Chapter Thirty:

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Hunter and I walk into the Halloween party dressed as Rory and Jessie from Gilmore Girls.

My body is stiff as he holds onto my hand, a large smile on his face as he greets his friends, and as I stand quietly beside him. My bruises effectively covered by thickly applied makeup and a turtleneck to cover my neck. Nobody suspects. Nobody knows.

It's almost scary how we can go from moments ago with his hands on me, hurting me and cussing me out, to walking into the party with smiles on our faces like nothing ever happened. Like everything is okay. Perfect actors. The misery I feel inside is masked so well. To the world, we're an adorable high school couple. Young love.

"I'm going to get a drink. Do you want one?" I ask Hunter nervously.

He gives me a simple nod before turning back to his conversation with Jacob and Dawson.

As I walk alone to the kitchen, I spot Wednesday pouring herself a cup. She's distanced herself from everyone for a while now, so I'm surprised to see her here.

I stand beside her, waiting to grab the bottle.

"Need this?" She asks and grabs the bottle of tequila.

I nod silently as she slides it over to me. Pouring myself and Hunter a glass, I feel her eyes on me.

"How's the happy couple?" She questions me, and my eyes lift to meet hers.

"Great." I lie. I'm so anxious that my hands are shaking uncontrollably, and I spill the liquor onto the counter.

Wednesday grabs me a paper towel, placing it on the counter to soak up the liquid.

"Thank you." I mumble.

"You're welcome, just being my normal bitchy self." She says, and my eyes widen. Is she referring to what I told Faran? I swallow hard. Did Faran seriously go and tell her? Wednesday scoffs, her lips curling into a smirk as she tosses her black hair over her shoulder. She's dressed as Shego from Kim Possible, and she's killing it. Her makeup is done perfectly, with her hair in loose curls cascading down her back. "Word of advice: nothing you tell Faran ever stays with her. She'll spin things to start drama."

I lick my lips, unsure of what to say. My hand shakes as I raise the glass to my lips and sip slowly at the alcoholic concoction I just created. "I'm sorry, I wasn't talking badly about you..." I stutter, my words sticking together.

Wednesday's eyes scan the party. "Happy Halloween." She says this to me before grabbing her glass and making her way out of the kitchen.

Releasing a heavy breath, I slump back against the counter. Great. Now she really hates me. Faran passes by Wednesday, giving her a fake, excited hello, before skipping over to me with this disgusted look on her face. "Ugh, God, why is she here?"

I want to go off on Faran for telling Wednesday anything. But the last thing I need is more problems in my life. So, instead, I stay quiet, and give her a smile. "You look great." I tell her, acknowledging her Lizzie McGuire costume.

She does a little twirl. "I do, don't I?" She then looks me up and down. "Who are you?"

"Rory Gilmore. From Gilmore Girls."

"That show bored me to death. I couldn't ever get into it."

My eyes then notice Hunter. He's playing beer bong, and Raven is his partner. My teeth grind as I watch him laugh with her, his arms around her. "I need to bring Hunter his drink." I grumble and move past Faran, where I approach Hunter cautiously.

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