Chapter Fifty:

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Henry nor Katherine came home before I fell asleep.

I must've fallen asleep waiting for Henry. I push my covers off me and check the time on my phone. It's two a.m.

My stomach rumbles; I slept through dinner. Mind is still groggy from drinking for days on end without taking a break to sober up. Pulling myself out of bed, I rub my eyes as I venture down the stairs to fetch myself something to eat. I feel sick. I don't know what's going to happen. I'm scared about a lot of things. What's going to happen to us now? Where will we live? Would Katherine really make me live with George and Hunter? Imagine that. How miserable that would be. Being trapped with two abusive men. There's no way in hell. I'll run away before that ever happens.

Once I'm eighteen, I'm gone forever. Never looking back. I'll have nothing to do with Katherine ever again. Finally, I'll be free.

What will my life be like then? The unknown is terrifying. What's to come. Not knowing what will happen.

Flipping on the kitchen light, I let out a screech when I see Henry standing in the dark, his body leaning against the counter, his eyes empty and puffy from tears. His arms are folded across his chest. He appears as if he was just staring blankly into space.

"Holy shit." I place a hand over my heart. He breaks his empty stare and looks at me. "You scared me."

"Sorry, I know we had an agreement that I wouldn't come down here at night..." He trails off, his voice growing distant. "I couldn't sleep."

"It's okay. I trust you now." I say as I walk over to the refrigerator.

"Good, good, that's good." He rubs a hand along the stubble growing on his face.

I pull the milk out of the fridge and place it on the counter. "Did Katherine come home?"

"Yes, she did. We spoke more about everything. I don't feel, uh, comfortable sleeping with her, so I'll be in my office from now on."

"So, you guys didn't work things out?" My hand stills just before pouring the cereal into the bowl.

He shakes his head lightly, keeping his eyes on me. "No, Auden, we didn't. Unfortunately, your mother does not want to continue a relationship with me. She's made it very clear she does not want to be with me any longer."

My hand drops the spoon into the bowl. "Fuck that." I snap angrily, and Henry bows his head, running his fingers through his hair. "If she thinks George is going to leave his family for her, she's fucking delusional. He'll never do it. She's throwing this away for nothing!"

"He already is, apparently."

"What?" My shoulders sag.

"George filed for divorce today; he and Laura are separating." Henry's voice shakes slightly. "They're waiting to tell Hunter, and it won't be happening until after he graduates high school, so please don't say anything to him. This stays between us."

A knot rises in my throat, clogging itself straight in the middle. Making it hard to breathe. This can't be happening. Another family ruined because of her. More lives. Does she honestly think she'll get what she wants from George? He's an abusive psychopath who's going to hurt her. This isn't going to end well. When Hunter finds out, he'll think I'm in on this. I can already imagine how angry he'll be. How he'll want to take it out on me.

I have to get away from her.

"Are you going to kick us out now?" I ask nervously, my voice small. I can't bring myself to look at him any longer.

"No, Auden, of course not. I'm very sad that your mom and I didn't work out, but I brought you both here to help you and get you both back on your feet. This is still your home, too. The last thing I want is to disrupt your life again. I still love and care for you both, and I'd like to still be part of your life."

I feel myself descending into darkness. It's wrapping itself around my waist and pulling me away, tempting me to retreat into myself. To find a way to cope with this. To numb this horrible pain inside my heart and mind. The knot in my throat is tightening, squeezing tears up to my eyes.

Henry cautiously comes over to me. Leaning his elbows on the counter, he brings himself closer to me. "I'm sorry it didn't work out."

The counter becomes blurry. I bite down on my quivering lip. "It was never going to in the first place. She's a fucking disease." I say through gritted teeth.


"You don't understand. I can't—I can't be around her anymore. I can't go live with George and Hunter. It'll be horrible. They're all horrible people. He's going to end up killing me." I place my head in my hands.

"Auden, what do you mean? Do you mean Hunter?" Henry gently places his hand on my shoulder. "Did Hunter hurt you?"

I jerk away and get out of the chair. He's looking at me with intense worry. "Auden, talk to me. What's happened? I'll never make you live with George. You can always stay here with me, okay?"

"I'm going out." I announce abruptly, and the darkness pulls me out of the kitchen with a tight grip. Henry calls after me, but I'm already out of the door and diving deeper and deeper into the dark abyss. 

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