Chapter Twenty-Four:

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I tuck the sign I made for Hunter under my arm, as I'm sandwiched between Faran and Raven, all of us walking towards the bleachers of the football game. Faran decked us all out tonight, putting glittered football tattoos on my cheeks and more makeup than I care to have on, insisting that Hunter will love it.

"We look so cute! We're the best girlfriends. Those boys don't deserve us." Faran says as she links arms with me and Raven.

The game is already packed with the freshman and sophomores crowding around near the snack bar, and the juniors and seniors all rallied together on the top of the bleachers. Faran has her strawberry blonde hair pulled up in two pigtails with blue bows tied on each one.

This nervous feeling is spreading in my stomach. I'm unsure of where Hunter and I stand since he started ignoring me the other day. He has yet to acknowledge me or respond to any of my texts. It's left me feeling sick and uncertain. I hate this. Not knowing and being punished for something we could've just talked through. Now it's dragged out into this big thing.

Raven tilts her head over to me, a smile spreading on her lips. "I heard Hunter's pissed at you."

"He told you that?"

She nods. "Yeah, I was with him last night and he told me all about it."

My jaw tightens. "You were with him? Like alone?"

"Of course, we're super close like that." She then gives me a fake sympathetic look. "That's okay with you, right?"

I inhale a heavy breath, trying to not get upset over what she's telling me, but I feel this horrible jealousy taking over. Hunter's ignoring me. Instead of trying to fix things, he was alone with Raven all night, telling her about our business. What the hell? Raven has this smug look on her face that makes it really hard for me not to reach over and slap it off.

I clench my hands into tight fists and hold them behind my back. "Sure, Raven." I tell her through gritted teeth.

"Good, because he and I have been friends forever." She then reaches over, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, I'm sure he'll forgive you."

"Of course he will. Hunter's a total sweetheart and not to mention, completely obsessed with you." Faran pipes up and shoots me a smile. "Plus, after he sees how hot you look tonight, he'll forget why he's even upset in the first place."

We'll see. I'm not too sure. We maneuver ourselves through the people on the bleachers, making sure to get a spot where Hunter and Jacob can see us. Faran and I grab our signs and begin holding them high in the air as the boys run out onto the field to Hells Bells blasting through the speakers. Even with a helmet on, it's not hard to spot Hunter. The attention he immediately gets. The energy he gives off.

It actually ends up being fun with Faran as we chant loudly and wave our signs back and forth, cheering our boyfriends on. It feels like a high school experience I've only seen in movies. One that I never thought I'd experience. I never, in a million years, thought I'd date a footballer and be hanging around with the popular crowd.

I find myself laughing and smiling and genuinely enjoying myself, forgetting about the fight between Hunter and I. Forgetting about any issues at home.

When the game comes to an end, the three of us hurry down the bleachers to meet them down by the gate where they exit the field. Faran spots Jacob and runs up to him.

I'm so anxious as I fidget with the sign, dab my makeup, wipe under my eyes, switch feet, and await for Hunter to spot me. Raven sees people she knows and leaves me alone just as my eyes land on Hunter coming off the field. He pulls off his helmet, his sweaty hair stuck to his forehead.

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