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I don't care have my son - Jace

Abiel: I swear that kid screaming out there is my brother
Giles: You should yell at him

Giles: I'm gonna stab you
Teresa: I stabbed myself

Abiel: Share your opinion
Jace: n o

There's a second question? OUTRAGOUS! - Jace

Do we have free will - Giles

If I'm a banana do I have organs - someone in the hall

(He said that Alex had leg hair so according to him theyre a man)

*has an argument about death penalty* - 7b class

Stop connecting Disney movies to the Bible - Khloey

Not in a good way died - Clara

I pgot confused by a tree - Clara

Stop fangirling over pens - Jonah

OooOoO blood - Bee

*snatches our papers* - Clara

*demonic noises* - Clara

*draws Sophia the first* - Khloey

*brings floss to school* - Clara

*almost passed the classroom* - Jace

heeeeEEEEEEEYY - Someone in the hall

*hits table* WHY HAVE YOU DONE THIS - Giles

*casually forgets jaces name* - Clara

Go away no one loves you - Jace

What's this? There's drugs in the air? - Jace

Two lines preferably wiggly - Jace


We love roads! I love roads! - Clara

The river is flying - Clara

We need a #gameplan - Jace

I'm stoning someone - Jace

I jumped off a cliff - Jace

I went #Axethrowing - Bee

I can't believe I birthed you - Isaiah

It's gay and beautiful - Alex

Your more stabber than me - Bee

I dead! - Bee

Guys I'm dying - Alex

We'll just use the ark of the covenant - Isaiah

Elijah go brrr - Alex

Who did Elijah worship? I. WONDER. - Jace


Ooo it's dead - Bee

*stares at eachother from across the room* - Khloey and Clara

I don't think it's from gym I think it's just my life - Clara

Giles: How to kill yourself in 3 easy steps!
Jace: I could do it faster

The second coming of Christ? I don't know - Khloey

Praise the lord our cod - Jace
(Jace thought I wrote Cod instead of God so he said that and we were laughing about it for like 5 minutes)

Oh no Alan he turned into Australia - Jace

Slavery and salvation, I can't tell if it's talking about the civil war or the Bible - Jace

✨sin✨ - Khloey

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