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  A/N: Do you have Yeetalk?


Third person's POV

Mew walks around the garden with his cane; now that his sight is gone, he can only rely on his other senses. Right now, he knows that one of the guards is following him.

He sighed and tapped the cane, looking for a bench. Mew doesn't like being treated like an ill old man; he still wants to do things on his own, and he is getting better at it. His cane tapped on something, and he knew it was a bench. He sat down and caught his breath.

He heard a foot stomping, and he turned his head in the direction of the noise. "Hello, sir. Would you like something to drink?" The guard said. He already knew that it was the guard.

Mew nodded. "Yes, thank you."

"I'll be back, sir," the guard said, bowing his head even though he knew that his master wouldn't see it. Then he left.

As the guard walked away from Mew, another guard was standing by, a few meters away from Mew. Mew's father, Musk, ordered every man in the household to look after his son. Mew's at his weakest right now, and they can't afford to put him in danger.

Mew stayed put on the bench; he's been thinking a lot about how he can leave his father's mansion. He knew that his old man would not let him go outside. By this time, their enemies should've known about Mew's condition.

Everyone thinks that Mew is at his weakest, but no one ever really asks about how he feels about it. In fact, Mew felt much stronger; an urge inside him kept pushing him to be stronger. Because Gulf is still the only person he loves. He knows that Gulf will never do that to him; he knew something was off with Gulf that night, but his older brother refused to listen.

"Brother!" A child's voice called him, and he once turned his head again in the direction of the voice.

"Hey, Yuan," Mew said, then he felt a pair of arms hug him. "Where did you go?"

"Hehe, I was just inside the house! P'Thorn was moddy, though," Yuan said.

"That is P'Thorn for you," Mew said. Yuan sat down with his older brother. "Where's Yvonne?"

"He's with mom," Yuan answered shortly.

Mew hummed. His father's second family decided to stay with them, so his younger brothers are always following him around. Not that he minds it; he's actually happy about it.

"Yuan!" A woman's voice was heard. It's Bia, Mew's stepmother. She's holding a tray of food and drinks for his stepson and two younger kids. "Are you disturbing your older brother again?"

Yuan pouted and shook his head. "I am not! I made sure to make a small noise before speaking!"

Mew laughed and decided to tease his brother. "Yeah, a screeching noise."

"Yuan," Bia said in a threatening tone while glaring at Yuan.

Yuan shivers from his mother's glare; he then grabs onto Mew. "Brotherr~! Why'd you say that? You're a meanie!"

Mew laughed and ruffled Yuan's head. "I was just joking, ma. He didn't."

"Well, then I'm glad," Bia said. "Now come on, here's your snack," she said, placing the tray on the mini table that is on the side of the bench.

"Yey!" Yuan shouted and went to his mother. "Wait, where's Yvonne?"

"HEREEE!" Yvonne runs towards his siblings and mother while holding his toy bear.

"There you are," Bia said, catching his hyper son and sitting him down. "Now, let's eat."

Bia gave his children their snacks, including Mew. They had their little chat, and the kids also played with Mew. Bia smiles as she watches her kids having fun. She actually thought that Mew and Thorn would despise her and be distant from her, but they did not, and she's glad.

The Night in Paris|| A MewGulf AU✓Where stories live. Discover now