Chapter 13- Surprise part 2

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I woke up this morning running to the bathroom in the bus. I made it in just enough time before I vomited in the toilet. I must have woken up Andy because he ran in after me. Ugh I didn't want him to see me throwing up everywhere.

"Hey are you okay?" he asked rubbing my back.

"Yeah I'm okay. There's just a human growing inside me." I said flushing the vomit down the toilet and closing the lid.

"What?" Andy questioned.

"Yeah I'm pregnant. I didn't want to tell you this way but things just happened." I said chuckling.

He pulled me in for a hug. "I'm actually going to be a father." he said pulling away. He leaned in for a kiss which I pushed him away.

"What?" he said looking a bit confused.

"I just vomited. You don't want to kiss me." I said getting up to go grab me tooth brush. "Also the guys already know because I was going to plan a special way to tell you and I had to tell somebody."

"That's fine. I'm just happy this happened." Andy replied grabbing my hand and turning me around. Before I knew he kissed me.

"Damn you." I said giggling.

I went and grabbed my tooth brush and brushed my teeth. I couldn't keep anything down the rest of the morning. I didn't think pregnancy would be this hard but the throwing up wouldn't last forever.

**later that evening**

It was about time for the boys to play their show. I still felt bad. I had an uneasy feeling in my stomach but I told Andy I would watch him because I love seeing him sing and I love seeing the rest of them play and jump around on stage. It just brings a smile to my face.

I went to the main stage where BVB would be playing and sat on the side of the stage. After about ten minutes they started to play.

***after the show/signing***

Back on the bus the guys drank a few beers while I laid in a ball on the couch with my head in Andy's lap. I felt awful. Andy rubbed my back comforting me.

"Maybe we should go to bed babe." He said downing the rest of his beer.

"Okay." I said getting up.
"Goodnight boys." I said to the rest of the band. They all said goodnight back. Andy and I went back to the bass and laid down.

"I have a surprise for you tomorrow. I think you'll like it. Goodnight love." He said kissing me.

"I can't wait for it. I love you too."

****the next day****

I woke up early in the morning to an alarm going off that I didn't set and an empty bus. I went to turn the alarm off when I saw a piece of paper attached to the 'off' switch. I picked up the note and read it aloud.

'Sorry it's early but I need you to put on your favorite band tee and those cute pair of black ripped high-waisted short-shorts. The surprise is ready.

I love you

I smiled to myself and got dressed. I put on the high waisted shorts and my My Chemical Romance shirt that I made into a crop top.

I straightened my hair and did a winged eyeliner and left the bus. I walked to main stage where I saw Andy on the stage in skinny jeans, a Misfits tee that he cut the sleeves off of and black shoes.

CC and Ashley was on either side of Andy, Jinxx was standing in front of them all and jake had his guitar on. I walked up to the stage. "What's going on?" I ask. Andy turned to see me and smiled.

"Are you ready to get married?" he asked.

My breathing hitched. I smiled and climbed onto the stage and took Andy's hand.

"Jinxx got ordained to marry people just for this occasion." Andy said

"Nice." I replied.

Jinxx started in with the marriage as Andy and I held hands looking into each others eyes.

"Do you, Andrew Dennis Biersack take Helena Marie Way to be your wife and to love her and take care of her and the life she carries until death parts you?" Jinxx said.

"I do" Andy said smiling.

"And do you Helena Marie Way take Andrew Dennis Biersack as your husband and to love him and care for him until death parts you?"

"I do." I said smiling back.

"Andy you may now kiss your bride." Jinxx said taking a small step backwards. Andy grabbed my waist lightly and pulled me in for a kiss. The kiss was soft and passionate. He pulled away and set his forehead on mine.

"I love you so much." He whispered

"I love you too." I replied.

I was married to the best person in the world. I was married to Andy Biersack.

We walked off stage and went back to the bus to have our small, loving wedding night.

A/N so the next chapter will be the last. I might do a sequel but I doubt it. Anyways I hope you liked the chapter and I hope you've enjoyed the story so far. <3

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