Chapter 10- Christmas

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*******Explicit content*****

Today is the day Andy should be coming home. It's Christmas Day,. For Christmas I got Andy a new batman statue and a Misfits cd he doesn't have. Then I got they rest of the band new equipment for their instruments to tune them up.

I've been depressed since I went to the doctor and found out about the whole baby thing. I've been put on an antidepressant. Which seemed to be helping.

Andy's presents were wrapped and under the tree.

I sighed and sat in front of the tree. I placed my hand on my stomach and thought about child I thought I had and now the tumor I have.

I heard keys jingle at the door then the door open. I walked around the corner and saw Andy with a suitcase and some bags. I ran to him smiling. I jumped on him, hugging him tightly. "Hey." he said wrapping his arms around me. "Hi." I replied giggling.

I hopped down from him and saw the guys outside. "Can you let us in? We're freezing out here." I heard Ashley say from outside. "Oh yeah." I said moving. They all came in. "Are you guys staying here tonight?" I asked hugging them all. "If its okay with you. It's pretty late and we all have to go our separate ways for now." Andy said. "Yeah it's fine. We have extra rooms." I said.

I walked the four guys to their rooms. We only had three extra rooms so Jake said he'd be fine sleeping on the couch.

"Do you guys want to open your presents?" I said sitting be the tree. They a gathered around an I handed them their presents. "Sorry we didn't get you anything." Ashley said before they opened theirs. "You all here in this house is all I need. I missed you guys." I said to them.

After they opened their presents I got hugs from them again. They all seemed to like the presents especially Andy. He really liked his.

"We're all going to go to sleep now." Ashley said. I gave them all hugs and then they went to their rooms. And couch.

I got a drink of water before heading into the bedroom.

After the drink I walked to the bedroom and opened the door and Andy was sitting on the bed with only boxers and a Santa hat on. "Hi." he said simply. I giggled. "Hi." I replied. I walked over to him and be held up mistletoe. "Wow." I said still giggling. "You know when somebody holds up mistletoe you're suppose to kiss them." He said smirking. "Clever." I said smiling. I leaned in and planted a kiss on his lips.

Andy pulled away only to begin kissing my neck. Little moans escaped my mouth. He smiled against my neck. He stopped and picked me and sat on the bed. My legs were around his waist. He was still kissing my neck. "I missed you. Skype calls weren't enough to keep me from not getting home sick." He said kissing me on the lips. I pulled away and let my forehead rest on his. "I missed you too. More than you know. Especially when I went to the doctor and found out about the tumor." Andy pulled my in for a hug. His arms wrapped tightly around my waist comforting me. "I wish I was there too. Everything will be okay." I pulled away and got off his lap. "I probably won't even be able to have a child." Tears were stinging at my eyes.

Andy sprung off the bed and come to me. "Hey hey hey. Everything is going o be okay. You even said you'll still be able to have a child though. We can still have a child Helena." He said wiping the tears the escaped my eyes. "Lets just forget about that for right now. Lets just focus on us okay?" "okay." I said smiling a little. "I love you. He said kissing my nose. "I love you too." I said giggling.

He picked me back up and put me on the bed kissing me again. His hands traveled down my to my waist, tugging on the hem of my shirt. His hands found their way under my shirt and then he took my shirt completely off.

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