Chapter 5- i love you

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I go up in the morning and went to the kitchen to make coffee.

After it was made I put it into mugs and took one to Andy. I get into bed. "Are you awake?" I question. "Yeah." He lifts his head up and kisses me softly then he gets up and goes to the bathroom. I sit up and take the gauze off my wrist and get up the throw it away in the kitchen. "Hey do you want to go out for breakfast?" Andy asks walking into the little kitchen. "Yeah sure. Let me get dressed." I walk back to my room. "I should have clothes over here if I'm going to be staying a lot." I turn an smile at him. "Are you saying you want to move in?" I ask wrapping my arms around his waist. "I don't know. Maybe. I've been staying with Ash this whole time because Juliet kicked me out and I'm sure Ashley would be happy for me to leave." He kisses my forehead. "Andy I would love for you to live here." I say. I let go if him and change my clothes. I put on black skinny jeans and a bullets (MCR) sweatshirt.

We go out in Andy's car to a restaurant. We get pancakes and bacon. "You look cute today." Andy says out of nowhere. "Oh. Well thanks. So do you." I reply giggling. "I know how I look." he says in a sassy voice. He laughs which makes me laugh. "I love you so much you dork." I say. He clutches his chest like his heart is hurt. "Ouch. That really hurt. You calling me a dork hurt me." "I sure it did." I say back. "I love you too Helena." He says.

After breakfast we leave and Andy drives past my apartment. "Where are we going?" I ask. He reaches over and grabs hand. "Well you said I could move in so I thought we could go to Ashley's and get my things. Is that okay?" he asks. "Yes of course." I say kissing his cheek.

We get to Ashley's house and walk in. "Hey Ash!" Andy yells walking back to his room. I stay back and stand by the door not knowing what to do. I see Andy poke his head out of a room. "Hey come back here. Please." He says smiling. I walk slowly back to the room. "Ashley's not here at the moment but he knows I'm moving out." He grabs a duffle bag and starts putting clothes in it. I sit on the bed and watch him. "Are you going to help?" he asks. I shake my head smiling. "No. I'm just going to lay here." He looks at me and smirks. He jumps on the bed and starts tickling me. "Are you going to help?" he says as I laugh. "Nope." I say again in between laughs. He keeps tickling me. I'm about to piss myself so I say out of breath. "Okay okay. I'll help you." He stops still on top of me. I tangle my fingers in his hair and pull him in for a kiss. He kisses back softly. He pulls away. "Ashley could walk in on us." He kisses me again and pulls away. He gets off and sits on the bed beside me. I sit up too. "We should pack your clothes." I say getting off the bed. "Yeah. Yeah okay." he replies. We pack his things and before we leave Ashley walks in. "Hey man. Whatcha doin?" he says looking at Andy's bags. "I'm moving into Helena's apartment." Andy replies. I smile at Ashley. "Okay cool." We leave and go back to my apartment.

I help Andy with his bags and walk into the apartment. We unpack and I look at the room. "Wow my place is smaller than I realized." I say to myself. "Oh well I'm glad you're here." I say wrapping my arms around Andy's waist. I give him a peck on the lips. He chuckles and lays on the bed. I lay next to him and rest my head on his chest. He wraps his arm a round my waist.

"Thanks for letting me move in." He says after awhile. "No problem." I reply. I go to the bedroom and flop down on the bed. I hear Andy's phone ring and him pick it up and have a conversation with somebody. He comes back to talk to me. "Hey that was Ash he want to know if I can go out for a guys night. Can I go?" I look at him funny. "Andy you don't have to ask me to go out with your friends. I'm not your mother." I said giggling. "Well I just thought I would ask because I don't want you to be alone." He replies. I look down at my wrist. The wounds were just starting to heal. I knew this was the reason he didn't want to leave. "Andy I'll be fine. I swear. I won't hurt myself if that what you're thinking." I walk up to him and kiss him. I slip some tongue in his mouth. I tug on his lip ring deepening the kiss. He puts his hands on my waist pulling me closer. I wrap my arms around his neck hugging him to me. He pulled away but he didn't let me go. His head was resting on mine. "Maybe I won't go." he whispers. I push him away hitting his chest playfully. "Go Andy. You need some time out with friends. Besides I need to clean up a bit around here and sleep. I start work tomorrow." He chuckles and kisses my lightly again. I'll be home around midnight. I don't know how long Ashley will keep me. I love you." He says. "I love you too." I reply. He walks out the door. I go to the living room and watch random things on Netflix until I fell asleep.

A/n whoop whoop finally an update. Sorry it took forever :( I hope you like this chapter. :-) The next chapter will be up soon. I will get started on it right away. Bye (~•-•)~

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