Chapter 3-The Guys

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I woke up in the morning to a knock on my door. I looked at the time. "Crap." I quickly got up. "Who is it?" I asked shouting at the door. "It's Andy. I'm here to pick you to meet the rest of my band." I looked at myself in the mirror. "Wow I look like shit." I said to myself. "Hold on." I shouted at Andy. I brushed my hair and went to the door. I opened it. "Hey um I over slept and I need to shower. You can come in if you want." I said opening the door wider for him to come in. He walked in and turned to me. "You look cute." he said looking at my pajamas. I had shorts and a tank top on. I felt my cheeks get red. "Yeah okay. Umm you can so and watch tv. I won't be that long." I led him to the living room and gave him the remote to the tv. "Thanks." He said. I went to the bathroom and got a quick shower.

I got out and wrapped a towel around my body and walked to my bedroom. I dried my hair first then put on clothes. I put on a pair of ripped jean shorts and my new MCR shirt. I grabbed my eyeliner when I feel arms wrap around my waist. I jumped and looked in the mirror to see Andy behind me. "You don't need makeup sweetie." He said moving my hair out of the way and he lays his chin on my shoulder. "Maybe just a bit?" I ask giggling at him. He lets go and sits on my bed. I grab my eyeliner and put it on my bottom water line then put on mascara. I turn around to face him. "Okay let's go." I say to him. Andy got off the bed and grabbed my hand and intertwined out fingers together.

We took Andy's car and he drove to a building. "What's this?" I ask looking at the building. "It's our place for hanging out, talking about new music, and other shit." He said getting out of the car. I got out too and felt Andy grab my hand. He led me into the building and into a room. Sitting on a couch was Jinxx and Jake Pitts. I look to the guy sitting in the chair, it was Ashley Purdy and in a different chair was CC. "Hey guys this is Helena Way. Helena these are the guys." Andy said walking over to an empty chair with our hands still together. He sat down and pulled me down to sit in his lap. "I'm Ashley." Ashley said. "I'm CC." "Im Jake." Im Jinxx." the all said introducing themselves to me. "I'm Helena. A-as Andy said." I said awkwardly. Andy wraps his arms around my waist hugging me close to him. I started to relax. "So you and Andy are dating now?" Ashley asked. "I-I guess. We have really discussed the relationship." I replied to him. "That's cool. You seem good for Andy." He said smirking. "So what do you wanna watch. We have Netflix so we can get on there." Ashley said getting the remote. "How about Supernatural?" I asked looking around for the guys approval. "I've never watched it so yeah sure. It sounds interesting." Andy said. Receiving a look of approval from the rest of the band we turned on Supernatural.

We watched all of season 1 when it started to get late and I started to fall asleep in Andy's arms. "Lets get you home." He whispered in my ear. We turned off the tv and I gave the guys hugs. "It was good meeting you guys." I said smiling at them. "You too." they said in sync. "I'll see you guys later." "Don't watch Supernatural without us." Ashley shouted as we walked out the door. "We won't. I promise." Andy yelled back. "Well I think I got him hooked." I giggled walking out to Andy's car.

We reached my apartment building and he walked me up. "Do you want to come in?" I asked nervously. "Yeah sure." He said smirking. I unlocked my door and walked in. Andy shut the door, wrapped his arms around my waist, and pulled me in close to him. He placed his forehead on mine and leaned in for a kiss. It felt like years but eventually his lips landed on mine. Our lips moved in perfect sync. His tongue traced across the bottom of my lip asking, begging for entrance which I have to him. He was so eager and I didn't mind it. He picked me up, my legs wrapping around his waist still kissing. He pushed me up against the door making the kiss even more intense than it already was. His hands were trailing to the bottom of my shirt tugging if the hem. Eventually we had to breath. I was still pressed up against the door with my legs wrapped around Andy. My breathing was rapid and my heart was beating out of my chest. "Should we slow down?" he asked with his forehead against mine. "Do you want to?" I asked back. "Not really no." He said laughing. "Well okay then." I said quickly pressing my lips back to his. He got a tighter grip on my thighs and carried me to my bedroom. He placed me on my bed and started kissing my neck. I let out small moans which made him smile. His hands made their way down to the bottom of my shirt again and took it off. He did the same with his shirt and stopped. "What's wrong?" I asked breathing heavily. "I think we should go slower maybe not sex yet. I mean our first kiss was back at the door." I smiled and kissed him. "Okay." He got off me and put his shirt back on. He handed me my shirt and I put mine back on as well. He started to get up when I grabbed his hand. "Wait could you just stay with me? Just tonight. It's late and I don't want you falling asleep or anything. We won't do anything sexual but maybe cuddle?" he sat back down on the bed and kissed me. "Okay." I smiled and hopped off the bed a got some pajamas. I went to the bathroom and changed and brushed my teeth. I came back out and Andy was laying on the bed with his hands behind his head. I ran and jumped beside him and laid my head on his chest. "I really you Andy." "I really like you too Helena." He replied wrapping his arm around my torso.

We eventually fell asleep in each others arms after about an hour talking about nonsense.

A/N: I really like where this book is going and I hope you do too. That sex scene didn't go how I planned but I thought it was moving too fast since it was their first kiss at the door. Oops (>•__•)> bye for now

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