Chapter 4- Juliet

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***authors note***

This chapter is going to have some triggering things. If you suffer from self harm and you get triggered my certain things I will warn you before it starts and with *** and you can skip over it. You won't miss a whole lot.

And if you are struggling from self harm just know life gets better and I love you. If you need to talk my kik is my_chemical_parade if you need to talk about anything.

lets start the story:

I woke up in the morning wrapped in Andy's arms. I felt safe for once like nothing was going to hurt me or get me. As I lay there with Andy wrapped in his arms I realized I love him, and I have loved him since I first laid my eyes on him. "You awake?" he asks. I jumped at the sound of his voice. "Yeah." I said. "How long have you been awake?" he asked "I don't know a little while I guess." I reply turning over to face him. I smiled at his morning face. He's so cute. "What?" He said "nothing. You just look really cute." I reply kissing him. I got up and went to the bathroom. I decided to brush my teeth while I was in there because morning breath. Ew. I came back out and Andy wasn't in bed anymore. I walked out into the living room and found him watching tv. "Hey." I said sitting next to him. "What do you want to do today?" he asked. "Hmmm maybe just stay here with you." he smiled and said "We can do that." He leans in and kissed me biting on my bottom lip a bit. I climb on top of him and kiss his neck. He lets out a little moan. I sit up looking surprised. "What?" he asks putting his hands on my thighs. "I just... I made you moan." I reply. He chuckles. "Shut up Andy I've never done that to a guy." I say hitting his chest playfully. His hands slide up onto my waist and rolls me over beside him. He moves hair out of my face and kisses me softly. Then his phone rings. Well shit. "I got to get that." He says kissing me then answering his phone. "Hello? ..... No I've been done providing for you when I caught you with him ..... Fine Juliet I'll be there in a minuet." Then he hung up. "Who was that?" I ask siting up. "My ex girlfriend. I caught her in bed with another guy. Her car broke down and she wants me to pay for it. I told her no but I'm going to go pick her up and drop her off at home." H says getting out of bed. "When will you be back?" I ask. "I don't know. She might be drunk from last night or something stupid. I'm going to make sure she's okay." He replies. He puts on clothes and kisses me goodbye. "I'll see you later." He says then leaves.

*******a few hours later******

Andy still isn't back. I'm worried. He hasn't called. What if he's getting together with Juliet? What if he's never liked me? My phone started ringing.

Me: hello?

Andy: hey it's Andy. I'm going to be here longer than expected. Juliet just is in a bad place and she needs me.

Me: Andy I-

A voice cut off "Andy come back to me please. I need you."

Me: what was that Andy?

Andy: *sigh* that was Juliet. I got to go. I'll see you soon.

Me: okay.

Then he hung up. What is he doing with her?

***it gets graphic after this point.***

I go to my room and sit on my bed next to my night stand. "He never liked my anyways. I knew that. I just thought that it might be real." I say opening the drawer to the stand. "He loves Juliet." I continue to myself pulling out a blade. I've had it in there since I moved in. I had it at my moms house before I moved. I haven't used it in almost a year. "I don't know why I tried to be with you Andy. I knew it was to good to be true." I take the blade to my wrist and feel the cold metal slice my skin. I see blood start to trickle down my hand. I forgot how good this feels. I slice again feeling the warm blood pour out at a small pace. Again I take the blade across my skin. I do this about five times. By now blood had got on my wooden floor. I take my Black Veil Brides shirt Andy gave me off and wrap it around my wrist. "Ugh." I took at back off and threw it across the room.

I stood up and went to the bathroom and ran the shower water. I got in still wearing a bra and some shorts. I didn't really care. I sat with my head under the hot water looking at the blood run down the drain. I grabbed my razor and took it to my thigh and ran it horizontally across my skin leaving four cuts on it. I start sobbing. "I'm such an idiot." I say throwing my razor across the room.

***okay no more triggering stuff after this point***

After I get out of the shower I changed my clothes. My phone started ringing.

Me: hello?

Andy: it's Andy. I'm heading back to your place right now. Juliet is fine.

Me: whatever Andy I'm sorry for ever meeting you. You can have Juliet now. Bye.

I hang up and throw my phone across my room. I sit back on my bed and look at the puddle of blood on the floor. I walk over and pick up Andy's shirt and wipe up the blood on the floor. I leave the shirt on the floor and sit beside it. I want to take the blade to my skin again but I also just want to sit here and bleed. I don't really care anymore. I heard the door open and close. Andy's foot steps rushing to my room. He rushes to my side and wraps his arms around me. "Wh- Helena I don't want Juliet." He's says calmly. "I heard her Andy. She sounded like she was in bed with you." I reply. Tears were coming to my eyes. Andy lets go and tilts my chin up to look at him. "Listen to me Helena Way ((huehe)) I would never go back to her. She cheated on me and I can never forgive her. I went over there tonight and made her coffee and waited for her to fall asleep so she doesn't hurt herself. I don't want her to die. She said those thing when I was on the phone because she knew it was you." Tears started to fall down my face. The sun came out and shown on my blade at the exact moment and was shining in Andy's face. He looked at where it was coming from and gasped. He took my hand and looked at my wrist. I looked down ashamed. "Im so sorry Andy." He lifted my chin up again and kissed me softly. "Promise to never do this to yourself again." He says. "I promise Andy." He got up and got some gauze and wrapped my wrist up. "Look at me." Said smiling. "I love you Helena." That was the first time he's ever said that. "I- I love you too Andy." I replied. He lifted me up onto the bed and lasted next to me. He wrapped his arm tightly around my waist and kissed my neck softly. "I love you so so so much." He whispered in my ear. "I love you too Andy." I said again falling asleep in his arms.

A/n okay so if I haven't said a description of Helena is on purpose because I want it to be you in he story but I don't want to type y/n everywhere. So that's that. I have nothing against Juliet it just needed to happen for the story.

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