Chapter 14- End

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After a little over three months on the warped road it was done. My belly grew a little bit but not a lot. I've been having check-ups at the doctor for the baby and I had to miss a few of Andy's shows because of it but it was fine. But now we are back home sleeping in our own bed cuddling every night.

*next day*

I woke up in the morning to the smell of pancakes and coffee. I walked downstairs in one of Andy's shirts and sat at the bar in our new kitchen. We were just settling into our new house.

"Good morning beautiful." Andy said to me. He could still make me blush.

"Good morning." I replied.

He set down some pancakes with syrup and coffee. The coffee was decaf so it didn't really do the trick but it was still good.

"Thank you." I said as Andy sat down across from me with his plate and coffee.

"So what do you want to do today?" he asked taking a sip of his drink.

"I don't know. It doesn't really matter. I was going to finish unpacking. There's not much left to unpack." I said

"Cool. I'll help with that then I was thinking we could go out. Maybe just walk around maybe shop a bit." He said.

"Sounds fun."

We finished up eating and we unpacked the rest of our things.

I decided to take a shower which Andy thought it would be a good idea to join. After that we got dressed and headed out.

It was just Andy and I out on the town. It felt good to have him to myself now even if it was just a short time before another tour or something.

"Here." he said turning towards a park.

"What are we doing? I thought we were going into shops." I replied confused.

"I thought it could be fun to walk in the park. Come on." He said taking my hand and jogging to the swings.

He got on one and started swinging. I couldn't help but watch him. He was six foot four inches and swinging. He looked like a giant child. I giggled at him making him smile.

"Come on I don't want to look weird swinging by myself." He said.

I joined him on a swing next to him.

We both got up high in the air. We were laughing and smiling and enjoying our time together alone.

We eventually slowed down and sat ing the swings swaying.

"How's the baby?" he asked.

"I think they're fine. I feel fine. I was thinking about a name for them." I said.

"What is it?"

"Charlie or maybe Alex."

"No boy/girl specific?" he questioned.

"I'd like it to be a gender neutral name. We never know how their life will end up y'know?" I said looking at the ground.

"The names sound wonderful. Whatever the gender I think they're perfect."

I got up out of the swing and hugged Andy.

"I love you." I said pulling away kissing him.

"I love you too."

!!!!!Andy's POV!!!!!

We decided at drive a little ways further up the road and went on the little nature walk.

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