Chapter 11- Surgery

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I woke up to an empty bed.

I walked out of the room to and empty house. I walked into the kitchen feeling sad. Andy and the guys were gone and I didn't know why. There was a note on the table so I picked it up and read it.

Hey Helena,
Me and the guys went to a photoshoot we forgot about until the last minute. We'll be back around 2 o'clock.

I love you,

I felt a bit better that he didn't actually leave me.

I went back to my room and looked at the time. 10:00. I sighed and laid down. I thought about calling Andy but I didn't want to interrupt him if he's busy.

I grabbed my phone and went to Instagram. The BVB army knows about me and I've gotten tons of followers since we came out as a couple. They support the relationship which was a relief on my part.

I got a notification from twitter. It was Bryan Stars

@bryanstars Black Veil Brides will be joining us at Warped Tour 2015

"What?" I said to myself. "Andy never told me about that."

I got into my contacts and called Andy.

"Hello?" I heard him say.

"You never told me you guys were going to warped this year." I said. He laughed a bit.

"Well it had to be a surprise for everybody. Including you. So do you want to come on the road with us during warped?" he asked calmly.

"Hell yes!" I almost screamed. He chuckled. "Okay sweetie I have to go. We're still taking some photos I'll be home in an hour or so. I love you." He said "I love you too." I replied.

I got up off the bed and got dressed. Andy and I are going to the doctor. My surgery is today. I'm a little scared. I've never had surgery before. I'm not allowed to eat or drink anything for twelve hours and I'm really hungry.

I had to wait until Andy got home to drive me to the hospital so I just decided to turn on Netflix watching a lovey movie until he got home which would be soon.

*******at the hospital*******
Andy was holding my hand next to me in the waiting room. Ashley, CC, Jake, and Jinxx were all with me as well. They were all so supportive. They were my family and I realize that. I love them all. "Helena?" Andy called. I stood up and kissed Andy. "I'll be fine. I love you Andy." "I love you too Helena."

"I love you all." I said then walked to the nurse.

I was laying in the hospital bed in the surgery room taking deep breaths.

"Okay Helena" the doctor said. "We're going to put you under anesthesia I'm going to have to ask you to count backwards from 10 and before you reach 0 you'll be asleep okay?" he said.

"Yeah okay." I said. My vice was a bit shaky

The anesthesiologist put the mask thing on me and I started to count.


I started to feel my eyes close.


And that's all I remember when I woke up.

The surgery took about three hours.

I woke up in a different room with the guys sleeping in chairs. They looked so peaceful. Andy was in a chair beside my bed. I looked over at him asleep. "Andy." I whispered. He shuffled a bit. "Andy." I said a bit louder. He eyes opened a little.

"Hey. How do you feel?" he asked sitting up quickly. He took my hand in his. His hand was warm against mine. "Sore. But I'm good. Have you guys been here all night?" I said looking around the room.

"Yeah we have. The doctor said to can come home tomorrow if you feel up to it." He lifted my hand up and kissed it.

"Cool. I can't wait to go home." I said motioning for him to kiss me which he did.

I spent the rest of the day in the hospital of course because I couldn't do anything else.

******a few days later******

I'm at home now and it feels great to sleep in my own bed. I'm still pretty sore from the surgery and Andy brings me food in bed. In a few months he'll be hitting the road for Warped Tour.

He said walking in with ice cream.

"Hey." I replied.

"I have to ask you something." He said sitting on the bed.

"What's up?" I replied.

"Do you want to come on the road with us during warped?"

I smiled. "Of course!"

"Good because I want taking a 'no' answer. I have a surprise for you at the end."

"Cool. Now lay with me because I need you." I said.

He laid down next to me holding my hand. "I love you." he said.

"I love you too."


anyways I hope you like it <3

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