Chapter 9- Expect the unexpeted

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I went to the bathroom and took out the pregnancy test and directions. I read over them and I noticed I was shaking. I was really nervous about this and I knew Andy was probably freaking out.

After I peed on the test I left it on the counter in the bathroom and went to the bedroom and laid on my bed on my phone. I couldn't even concentrate on what I was doing, all I was thinking about was the test.

I looked at the clock on my phone and five minutes had going by. I put my phone down on the bed and ran to the bathroom. I grabbed the test and directions.

It read two lines- pregnant
One line- not pregnant

"Two lines." I said out loud looking at the test. Two lines were on a little plastic screen. "Oh god." I said out loud sitting on the floor. "I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant." I placed a hand over my belly. "There is an actual person inside me." I said quietly to myself.

I was going to tell Andy right away because it's good to test again in a few days to be sure.

My day went on as usual. Watching Supernatural and American Horror Story on Netflix and doing some cleaning around the house.

Dinner time came so I decided to order a pizza. "Medium BLT with extra mayonnaise" I said to the person on the end of the phone call. I have the man my address because I looked like shit and didn't want to leave the house.

My phone made a 'ding' noise telling me somebody tweeted. I look down at the screen "@Andybvb "Another great show New Jersey. I had a great time playing with you. Next up New York City I hope to see you there BVBarmy!""

He's so considerate of the army. I love him so much.

Nervousness fell on me again. Andy's done with the show so he'll be calling me on Skype in a bit.

I went back to the bedroom and put on a bit of makeup and put my hair into a bun. so I didn't look like a total slob when the pizza guy came. I didn't mind Andy seeing me in my "natural form" because he said I would look beautiful in a potato sack.

My laptop made the ringing noise it made when somebody wanted to Skype with me so I grabbed the laptop and opened it walking to the living room. "Hey beautiful." Andy said. "Hey handsome." I replied receiving laughter and kiss-y noises from the guys. "So how was your day?" Andy asked giving the guys a disapproving look. "It was good. I went to the mall and got some clothes and hair dye so next time you call I might have new hair." I said smiling. "Sounds great. So umm did you take a pregnancy test?" he jumped right into that. Great.

I sat down on the couch with the computer in my lap.

"Yes. I did take one." I said nervously. "And..." Andy said leading me on to say if I was pregnant or not. "It said positive but I can't be sure until I take another one. I will take it in a few days it confirm the results." I said. A smile immediately came to Andy's face. He looked at the guys. "I'm going to be a dad." He said.

The guys came into the screen smiling as well as Andy. "Congrats man." Jake said putting a hand on Andy's shoulder. "Yeah congrats." The rest of them said. "I don't know for sure yet guys." I said after all the congrats. "I'm going to try another test in a few days."

"Yes but there is still a great chance you're pregnant." And said still smiling. "Yeah." I replied.

The doorbell rang. "What's that?" Andy asked. "Pizza." I said getting up. I went to my purse and pulled out some money. I answered the door and handed the guy the money and he handed me the pizza. "Thank you. Have a nice day." I said then closed the door.

I went back to the couch and sat down with the box. "I think I may be pregnant. My eating has taken on a new form. I've been eating like crazy for the past few days." I said to Andy. The guys were gone and off doing their own thing in the bus.

"If you are pregnant. Are you happy about it? I mean I know we didn't exactly pan this. So how are you feeling?" he asked looking kinda concerned. "Yeah I guess it was kinda unexpected. But if I am pregnant I want this baby. And the best part is, it's with you. The man of my dreams." I said smiling. "I love you Andy. I would be honored to have your child." He chuckled. "I love you babe." He said "I'm sorry but I'm really tired. Tonight's show wore me out. I was thinking about you and being a dad and I just. I'm really tired." He said running his fingers through his hair. "Okay. That's fine. I know I just left you hanging from this morning. I love you Andy." I said blowing a kiss at the screen. He smiled and blew one back. "I love you too." he replied.

I shut my laptop and opened the pizza box. I turned on Supernatural again and ate.

After I are and watched tv I decided to go to bed. I was going to wait until tomorrow morning to take another pregnancy test. So I brushed my teeth and laid in bed rubbing my belly a bit, thinking about if a child was actually growing inside me.

I closed my eyes and drifted off into a deep sleep.

When I woke up I went quickly to the bathroom and took a pregnancy test. I couldn't wait another minute.

I waited the right about of time (three to five minutes) to see if I was really pregnant.

After that three to five minutes I grabbed the test and looked at it.

Negative. "What?" I said to myself confused. The test yesterday said positive. I felt tears coming to my eyes. I threw the test away and left the bathroom.

I got my phone and called the doctor. I ask him how early can you tell if your pregnant after your missed period. he said around a month so I asked him if I could come in and have him check it out. He said it was okay to come in to the office.

I quickly ate a bagel with some cream cheese and coffee. I brushed my teeth and went to the doctor.

***at the doctors***

I say in the waiting room waiting for the doctor to call me in. After about five minutes he did.

"Well I have some news." He said coming into the room after examining my body. "What is it?" I said hesitantly. "You're not pregnant." He started. "But you have a tumor in your uterus. It's not big. We can send you to the hospital and to get surgery soon."

Tears started to come to my eyes. "Okay. I can get surgery. What if I want to have a baby eventually? After this is all done." I asked the doctor. "Your chances of having a baby are lowered. By a lot. But you can still have the child it's just not as likely." He said. "Okay." I replied.

My surgery is dated to the 15th of November. It's the 1st of November.

I went home and laid in bed with my laptop thinking about calling Andy on Skype. I was crying hard. Andy was so excited to be a dad and not I probably won't even be ably to carry a baby for him.

After awhile of crying it calmed down. I got up and went to the bathroom to look at myself. My eyes were red and puffy and my cheeks were stained with tears. I wiped then away and went back to the bed and grabbed my laptop and waited for Andy to answer my Skype call.

"Hey." Andy said smiling when his face appeared on the screen. His smile went away when he saw my sad smile. "What's wrong? is everything okay?" he asked. "No." I said quietly. "What did the doctor say?" he asked with concern on his face. "I'm not pregnant." I said tears spilling over again. "Oh." He said simply. "And I have a tumor." I continued. I looked up at the screen. Andy was in shock. He didn't seem to be breathing either. "Andy?" I said. "Y-yeah?" he stammered through his words. "I'm okay though. They're going to get it out the 15th. Although I don't know if I'll be able to conceive a child." I was wiping the tears off and my breathing evened out. "Okay so you'll be fine?" he asked. I smiled a bit. "Yeah. It doesn't hurt. I feel fine." I said "so where are you playing tonight again?" I changed the subject. "Uhh Ohio." He said. "Cool. Hey don't think about me during the show. I don't want you to be thinking about this whole thing then mess up or something." I said chuckling a little. He smiled at my laugh. "Okay. I have to go set up now. I love you." He said. "Good luck. Tell the guys I said good luck. I love you Andy." I replied. I closed out of Skype and cooked some food.

Too bad Andy can't be with Helena at the moment. *shrugs* oh well

I hope you liked this chapter <3

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