Chapter 1-The Guy

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DISCLAIMER: If there is any misspelling or random things I'm sorry. I'm too lazy to go back and read this cringey story I wrote when I was like 14 (I'm 17 now). So if there is anything which I know there is you can comment all you want I probably won't change the mistake. If you don't like that don't read the story.

My name is Helena. Let me start off my story saying the day I moved out of my moms house was the worst and best day ever.

"I love you mom." I said to my mother walking out of the house. "I love you. Be good. Be safe." She replied. "Bye." I said closing the door. Today I was officially a free woman. I got into my car and driver to my new house. Well apartment. All my stuff was there except a few things. I brought everything in to the apartment and sat them down on the ground. I realized I need my sketch book so I headed back home witch isn't far away.

"Mom I forgot my sketch book." I said walking into the house. "Oh. Oh crap. I threw all that stuff away because I thought you didn't need it. I'm so sorry." I look at her annoyed. "Mom I've only been gone fifteen minutes." "I like to clean stuff up. I'm sorry." "It's okay mom. Ill just go get a new one. I need new pencils and pens anyway." I gave her a hug then left.

I headed to the store to get new art supplies. I walk into the store and go straight to the art supplies. I grab a new sketch book, pencils, and black pens. I waited a few minutes then decided to buy sharpies as well. I turn around and before I knew it I hit what felt like a wall then I was on the ground and so was my stuff. "Oh my. I'm sorry." a deep voice said. "Damn." I said under breath. I looked up to see where the voice came. "Whoa." I said a little too loud. He was beautiful. He had light brown hair and ocean blue eyes. He smiled and it made me smile. He had his lip pierced as well as his nose. "Sorry." he said picking up my things. He held out his hand for me to take. "I- I umm. It's okay." I stutter through my words. I take his hand and he lifts me up. I notice his muscles in his arms flex as he lifts me off the ground. He hands me my things. "Again I'm sorry. Are you okay." He says in his deep voice. "Yeah. I'm fine." I say looking into his eyes getting lost in them. "Uh I'm going just grab this." He says reaching for the sharpies. I shuffle out of the way hearing him giggle. Shit he's perfect. "I umm. I better go check these out." I said starting to walk away. "I'd like to check you out." I hear him mumble. I turn and smile at him. His cheeks turn red and he looks away. I start laughing. I walk back over to him. "I'm Helena." Say holding out my hand for him to shake. "I'm Andrew. But you can call me Andy." We shook hands. "Okay Andy. Umm maybe I'll see you later?" I said hinting. "Oh yeah." He says pulling out his phone. I got out mine and unlocked it. I got to my contacts and pressed 'add contact' and we traded phones. He put his number in and have my phone back. I put my number then put my name. Helena Way. "I'll call you Helena Way." He says looking at his phone. "Okay." I reply. "See you later Andy." I said walking away. I paid for my things and left. I went home and looked at his number. I noticed he put a picture of himself in. *see cover photo* "wow." I say to myself. "Biersack." I whisper. "His last name name is Biersack."

I pull out my sketch book and start to doodle the picture of him. "What have I got myself into?"

A/N: YAY ANDY BIERSACK. This is a short chapter but I just wanted to open the story up and get the beginning set and everything. I hope you stick with the story. ^_^

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