Chapter 12- Surprise part 1

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My heart rate was increasing as the minutes ticked by. Andy was packing his things for Warped Tour and my things were already in the bus.

Today on this foggy morning I was taking a pregnancy test. It's been a week since I missed my period and I've been paranoid ever since two missed days passed.

"Helena?! are you ready?" I heard Andy call from the other side of the bathroom. "Yeah. just a minute." I called back.

The three minutes were almost up.

I sat on the toilet waiting. I looked down at my phone. Three minutes has passed. I stood up. My knees were shaking as I picked up the stick. I looked down at it. Two lines. Pregnant.

"Helena?!!" Andy called which startled me. "Oh yeah coming." I said. I threw the stick away and walked out of the bathroom. I gave Andy a kiss. "Lets go." I said walking out of the room with Andy following.

"What were you doing in there?" he asked behind me. "Girl stuff nothing to be concerned about." I said with spring in my step.

We got outside and I walked onto the bus while Andy loaded his bags in the side. The guys were all on there so I sat with them. "Okay guys I have something to tell you but you can't and I mean can't tell Andy okay?" They all shook their heads 'yes'. "Okay. I'm pregnant." I said excitedly.

"Wow! congrats." Jake said hugging me.

They all came in for a hug and let go.

"When do you plan on telling Andy?" Cc asked

"I don't know. But sometime on the road. I want it to be special."

Just then Andy walked on and we all shut up. "Alright lets go." He said sitting next to me. He kissed my cheek and we left the house.

I got tired around eleven so I went to me and Andy's bunk while the rest of them were drinking and talking.

I got into the bed and snuggled under the covers. A few minutes later Andy came in and got in beside me. He started kissing my neck making butterflies swarm in my stomach.

"Why didn't you have a drink tonight?" he asked.

"I wasn't feeling alcohol tonight." I replied kissing him on the lips.

He kissed me back running his hands up my shirt. The taste of beer and cigarets was faint and I have to say I love it. I will never get over him, I love him and I will love him forever.

My fingers tangled in his hair still kissing him. He made a move to take my shirt off. "Wait wait." I said pulling away.

"What?" he said breathlessly.

"I don't want to do this here with the guys a few feet away. I mean Andy you're kinda loud." I said giggling

He laughed. "I'm loud?? I'm pretty sure you're louder than I am."

"Shut up." I laughed.

I kissed him again and pulled away. "I love you Andy Biersack."

"I love you too Helena Way."

We cuddled the rest of the night falling asleep.

We arrived at our first stop. L.A.

It wasn't far from where home was but we left late and arrived early because Andy had rehearsal with the rest of the band.

"I've never been on the band side of warped. Just the audience side." I said looking around at the people setting up stages and booths for the bands and youtubers.

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