Chapter 6- Death

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It was about midnight and I head my front door open. "Andy?" I call from the couch where I fell asleep. "Hey." He replies walking over to me. The smell of cigarettes and beer filled my nostrils. "Ugh gross." I mumble sitting up. "What." He says stopping in his tracks. I look at him with a disapproving face. "Andy you smell like cigarettes and beer. Go take a shower or something because you're not sleeping on the couch or with me." I giggle and walk to the bedroom. I hear his footsteps speed up. His arms wrap around my waist and he picks me up from behind. "Take a shower with me." He says. "How much did you drink?" I ask giggling. "Not much. I promise I'm not drunk." He put me down and stands in front of me. Even though it's dark I can still see the blue in his eyes. "I knew I was driving home so I only had like one beer." He continues. "Well I'm not showering with you. Yet. I just want you to meet my mom before we do anything. Okay." I say walking past him to my bed. "Fine. When can I meet her anyways?" he asks taking off his shirt. What a tease. "I'll call her later today and invite her to dinner." I say laying down on the bed. "Now go shower and come cuddle with me." He walks into the bathroom and closes the door. I hear the water start and him get in.

After his shower he comes and gets into bed. He wraps his arms around my waist my pulls me close into him. "I've talked about you to my mom. I think she'll like you." I say. "I hope she does." He replies. He kisses the back of my head. "I love you." he says. "I love you too." I reply.

In the morning it was about 10:00am and I called my mom. She's coming over at about 6:00pm. "Andy my mom is coming at six. So like what should we have to eat?" I ask. "Umm I don't know." He replies. "Do you just want to go out. It's easier." I giggle. Andy's watching some show on tv so I come in and sit next to him. "Sure. Where you want to go?" He asks pulling me close to him. "It doesn't have to be really fancy just a nice restaurant." I reply laying my head on his shoulder. "Okay I'll figure something out." He says. We lay there for a few hours. I look at the clock and it says 2:00pm. "I'm going to go shower." I say getting up. I walk to my bathroom and undress. I turn on the shower and step in.

After I shower I walk out into my room in a towel and my hair a wet mess. I look for clothes. I pick out a pair of black skinny jeans and a floral top that hugs my waist. I put on a bra and underwear then my pants. The door opens and Andy walks in. "Oh shit. Sorry." He says turning around when he sees me in just a bra and pants. I walk over to him giggling. I stand in from of him and wrap my arms around his neck lifting myself up to kiss him. His places his hands on my lower back pulling me closer to him. I pull away and smile. "I need to put a shirt on before I take everything else off." He lets me go and I put the shirt on. "What are you wearing?" I ask sitting on the bed with my legs crossed. "I don't know. Skinny jeans, a t-shirt, and my jacket." "Cool. Get dressed." I say. He smirks and takes off his shirt. He walks over to the closet and pulls out a black shirt. "Wait." I say getting up. "What?" he asks. I walk over to him and grab his hand. I take my free hand and run it over his tattoos. "I've never really looked at these." I say. I run my hand over his chest where a few other tattoos are. "They're cool." I say letting him go. He puts on the shirt and takes off his pants. "Now this is a good view." I say sitting back on the bed. He chuckles and puts the skinny jeans on. He walks over to me and places a kiss on my lips. "You're cute." he says and walks out of the room. I follow him into the little living room. He turns on the tv and watches some action movie.

It's about 6:00 at this point and my phone starts ringing. "Hello?"

"Yes hi this is doctor Raymond and you were the first person listed for Carol Ways emergency contact list is this true?" the man on the other end sounded nervous.

"Yes that's true I'm her daughter. What happened?" panic started to set in.

"Your mother got into a car accident and she doesn't have very much time left. We need to to come down and say your goodbyes."


I hung up the phone and grabbed my purse quickly. "Andy lets go." I said panicky. He turns of off the tv and comes over to me. "Hey what's wrong?" Andy said stopping me. "My mom got into an accident and I think I'm going to loose her." I said. "O-okay. Lets go." He said. We rush out and he drives to the hospital.

I run in with Andy trailing behind me. "I'm Helena Way. I need to see my mom her name is Carol Way." The woman behind the desks face dropped. "What!?" I almost screamed. "Honey. I am so sorry. She's already gone." My mouth dropped open. Tears couldn't even come out. My knees gave out but Andy caught me before I could hit the floor. My breathing for quicker and I started to have a panic attack. "Helena. Are you okay?" Andy asked me. I slowly shake my head and the tears came pouring out. "DAMMIT." I screamed. "DAMMIT DAMMIT." I screamed even louder. I push Andy away and slammed my hands on the hard concrete ground. It hurt like hell but knowing I will never talk to my mom again hurt even worse. "FUCK." I screamed sobbing now. Andy came over and wrapped his arms around me. "Babe. Let's go."

A/n: I was going to go on but I want to get this chapter out because I'm taking forever to update and Im sorry. Who else thought Andy was going to die?? Well I will try to get the next chapter out sometime next week. Bye (~•-•)~

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