Chapter 2-The Call

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It's been three days and Andy still hasn't called. I laughed at myself. I can't believe an attractive man like him would be interested in a girl like me. "Ugh." I said to myself. I pulled out my sketch book and flipped through and found the picture of Andy I drew the first night I met him. I tore it out, crumpled it up, and threw it across the the room. I pulled out a pencil and started doodling random things like nature crap.

A few more days past and all I could think about was Andy. Then I got a call. I fumbled around with the phone because the screen said Andy Biersack. "Shit." I said almost dropping the phone. I answered the phone.

Me: hello?

Andy: hey it's Andy. From the store about a week ago.

Me: oh yeah hi.

Andy: yeah. I'm sorry I didn't call sooner. I'm such an ass. But I didn't really know what to say. So I just called.

Me: haha. Umm well you're not an ass from what I saw at the store. It's okay that you didn't call right away I wasn't-

Andy: no I should've called. Do you want to go out later?

Me: uh yeah. Yes.

Andy: awesome. How about we meet at the store. Say the art section?

Me: okay...

Andy: cool. Ill see you later. Umm meet me there at seven tonight. Bye

Me: bye

We hung up. "Seven. Crap. It's six now." I looked in the mirror. "Well good. I look like shit." I said to myself. I quickly got in the shower. I washed my hair and body quickly then got out. I dried my hair. I put on skinny jeans and a Nirvana tee shirt. I splashed on some eyeliner making the lines form a wing. I put on a pair of converse shoes and grabbed my keys.

I arrived at the store at seven exactly. I walked quickly through the store to the art section where we first met. I almost rounded the aisle when I saw him. I stopped and backed up and pulled out my phone. I fixed my hair and made sure my makeup was okay. I took in a deep breath then walked casually around the aisle. "Hey." he said smiling. "Hi." I said back. "Whoa I don't remember your hair being pink." he said looking at my newly colored hair. "Yeah I colored it the day after I met you." I said looking at my hair. It was about mid way down my back. My hair was a deep pink now. "I like it." he said smirking. Wow he was beautiful. "Thanks." he walked over and took my hand and intertwined him fingers with mine. "This is okay right?" he said looking at our hands. "Yeah it's fine." I said giggling. "Lets go."

"What about my car?" I said looking at my car as we walked by it. "We'll come back. I promise." we walked to his car. He opened the door for me and I got in. "Thanks." I mumbled. "Yep." he said closing the door. He got in and started the car and drove off. "So where are we going?" I asked. "The mall." I looked him. "The mall?" he glanced at me. "Yes. Ill get you anything." "Andy. I have money you don't have to buy me anything." He reached over and grabbed my hand tangling our fingers together again. "I want to."

We got to the mall and walked in holding hands. We walked into Hot Topic (of course) and Andy got some excited looks. I look up at him and he's just smiling. A girl that looked about fifteen came up to Andy. "anDY BIERSACK?" she said almost screaming "Yeah." He said smiling. "C-can you sign my shirt?" she asked holding a brand new shirt. It was white with figures on them that I couldn't recognize. Andy let go of my hand and took the shirt. He unfolded it and then I could see the figures. Black Veil Brides. With Andy in front. Suddenly it clicked. I listened to Knives and Pens when it first came out in 2009 but Andy was young and he was wearing makeup in that video and I loved that video. I just must have forgotten because I found other bands. "Holy shit." I say a bit too loud. "What?" Andy said looking at me. "Nothing." I replied quickly. He finished signing the shirt. I grabbed his hand and walked out of the store. "You're Andy Biersack." I said looking at him. "Yeah." he said looking at me like I was crazy. "Andy from Black Veil Brides? I didn't recognize you at first but then I realized you're from the Knives and Pens video. Oh wow I'm on a date with Andy Biersack from Black Veil Brides." He chuckled. "Yeah I'm Andy from BVB. I thought you knew." "Well I kinda grew out of BVB after Knives and Pens came out but I was. I still am obsessed with that song. I knew about Black Veil Brides I just-" I said but I was cut off by another fan. "Can you sign my bag?" she asked. "Yeah." He looked at me. "It's okay that you didn't know me. I like to keep some secrets but I just that was hard to do coming to the mall. Especially Hot Topic. But oh well." he signed the bag. "Now do you wanna shop?" he asked. "Yeah." I replied. We walked back in and looked around. I got black skinny jeans and a My Chemical Romance t-shirt. "You like MCR?" he asked. "Well yeah. Just because they broke up doesn't mean I can support them. They're my favorite band. I have all their albums and this is like the only tee I don't have from here." He smiled. "Cool. I like them too. Wanna check out?" We walked up to the check out and Andy bought our things. Then we walked to the food court.

"What did you get?" I asked as we ate our pretzels. "Pants." He replied. "Cool." We finished our food then left. "So when are you and the band going on tour again?" I asked as we walked out hand in hand. "In a few months. Would you like to meet the rest of the band?" He asked opening the door to his car for me. "Yeah sure." he closed the door and got in himself. "Okay so I'm meeting up with them for drinks tomorrow ill pick you up then?" "You don't know where I live Andy." I told him. "Okay. I can follow you home after we get your car then ill know where you live." He smirked at me. Damn he hot. "Okay."

He took me back to my car. I got in and started it up and drove home with Andy right behind me. I pulled into the apartment parking lot and stopped the car. He pulled up beside me and turned it off. I got out of the car and Andy met up with me. "Can I walk you up to your apartment?" He asked. "Sure." "oh shit." he said walking back to his car. "Here." he said handing me the Hot Topic bag. "My thins are in the car." "Thanks." I said taking the bag. We held hands to my apartment. "Well this my room." I told him. "Ill be here tomorrow at like five or so." He smiled. "Okay. Ill be ready." He leaned in and kissed my cheek. "I had a good time Andy. Thank you." "No problem Helena." Then he left. I walked into my apartment and threw my new clothes into the washer and got my laptop and searched Black Veil Brides. I listened to their music. I listened to Knives and Pens witch brought back a lot of memories. It was about midnight when I decided to go put the clothes into the dryer and go to sleep.

A/n: Wowie these chapters are short. Sorry. Ill try to make them longer in the future. I hope you all like the story so far :3 bye for now. Ps if there is any spelling errors please tell me thanks.

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