Chapter 8- Of Course

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"Wh- what?" he said. "Look Andy you're a great guy but I can't marry you." I said walking off the dock. I took off my shorts and shirt. "Lets just go swimming." I said walking on the dock again. He's was still on one knee and his mouth was open in shock. "Why 'no'?" he asked. I bent down to get on his level. "Andy." I started. I cupped his face in my hands. "I love you. Of course I'll marry you." I smiled and kissed his nose and stood up. "You butt." he said standing up. He picked me up and I shrieked and he threw me in the water. He walked of the dock and took his shirt off and wrapped the ring in it. He ran onto the dock again and leaped into the water splashing it all over me. I giggled and swam to him. "I love you Andy why on earth would I say no to you. You're perfect." I said. He wrapped his arm around my waist and swam to an area where I couldn't touch the ground. Since he's 6 feet 4 inches he touched the ground. I couldn't compared to my 5 feet 5 inches. I wrapped my arms around his neck to stay above the water. He connected our lips together. His hands on my spine gave me chills. I bit his lip playfully deepening the kiss. He wrapped his arms around me tighter pulling me in closer to him. I pulled away and looked into his eyes. "I love you Andy." I said giving him another peck on the lips. "I love you too Helena." He said.

We swam for a little while longer then got out of the water.

We laid in the grass and watched the sunset. "This is beautiful." I said snuggling up to Andy. "Not as beautiful as you though." He replied. I hit his chest playfully. "Stop that. You're making me blush." He chuckled and kiss. "Wait I need to give you something don't I." He said sitting up. He grabbed his shirt and took the little black box out of it. He opened the box to reveal a diamond ring. But here's the best thing about it, the band of the ring was black and then you have the white diamond which stood out against the black. "Andy. The ring is beautiful. I love the black band." I said smiling. "Yeah I thought you would like it." He said smirking.

He took the ring out and took my hand gently in his. "Helena. Will you marry me?" he asked once more. I smiled. "Yes." I said. He slid the ring on my finger and pulled me in for a kiss. His hands were on my lower back sending chills up my spine. I will never be able to get over the way he makes me feel with the simplest touch. My hands moved to his hair. My fingers playing in his black hair.

He pulled me closer to him. I was now on his lap. Our lips were still connected moving together perfectly. He pulled away and started to kiss my neck. I let out a litter moan making him smile. He pulled away and smiled. "We should probably get home before it gets too dark." He said. I got off of him and put my shorts back on and shirt. He put his shirt back on and we got in the car.

Andy drove home. We were quiet but it wasn't awkward it was nice. The sun was down and darkness took over.

I took a deep breath and rubbed over the healing wounds on my wrist. After that night of relapse I thought of doing it again. I actually missed it to be quite honest. I know Andy wouldn't want me to and that's what's keeping me from doing it again.

"- so what do you think?" I snapped out of the little thought I was having. "What Andy. Sorry." "It's okay. I was just asking when you would want to have the wedding. I was thinking a summer wedding. Maybe next year." He said. "Yeah sounds great." I said blankly. He pulled into the driveway of out house. "What's wrong?" he asked looking at me. "Oh. Uhh nothing." I said quickly. I got out of the car. I walk quickly to the house. "Dammit." I said realizing the door was locked. Andy walked slowly towards me. "Helena." He said grabbing my hand. I think he knew what I was thinking because he took the hand with the wounds on them and kissed them. "Helena. I love you so much. You know that. I don't want you to hurt yourself. Believe me Helena. I know healing scars are the worst trigger for self-harm. I know. I went through it. But you have to stay strong and not hurt yourself." He was now cupping my face. "Andy I-" I started but was cut off. "I love you Helena" he finished. "Andy I'm sorry. I won't do anything. I'm just-" I took a deep breath. "I don't know. Can we go in?" I said. He unlocked the door.

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