Chapter 7- theres a first time for everything

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It's been about two months since my mom passed away. I've been depressed everyday since. Andy makes things a lot easier because its hard to be sad around him. "Hey babe." he said walking into my room. I was sitting on the windowsill staring at the cars go by. "Hey." I said turning to face him. "It's time to get up and out. You've been inside for two months and you need to get out and get fresh air." He said coming over I me and sitting next to me. He laid his hand on my thigh which have me goosebumps. "You're right." I said placing my hand on his. "Where do you want me to go?" I asked. "Well we are going to a surprise." He said standing up and holding out his hand for me to take. I groaned. "Andy where are we going?" I asked taking his hand and standing. "It's a surprise Helena."

We were in Andy's car diving out of the city. "We were passing some homes and then we turned into a driveway which had a 'for sale' sign in the yard that had a big 'sold' sign on it. "Andy what is this?" I asked. "This is our home." He said simply. "WHAT?!" I almost yelled. "Yep. I want you to live here before I go back on tour." He parked and got out of the car. "Wait when are you going on tour?" I asked getting out too. I shut the door and walked up to him. "In a week." He said. "Oh. Okay." I said looking at my feet. "Hey." he said lifting my chin to look at him. "It's not a world tour it's just a US tour. I'll only be gone about two months." He took my hand and led me inside. "I already had it furnished." He said. "How long have you bend working on this?" I asked. "I started when your mom died. Every time I said I was going out to get food I would do that and get the guys together and got the house ready." tears were forming as I wrapped my arms around Andy's neck. "I love you so much." I said starting to cry into Andy's neck. "I love you too."

I heard a creak and looked up to see the guys standing in the room. "Hey Helena." CC said smiling. "Welcome to your new home." He continued. I let go of Andy and walked to them. "Bring it in." I said crying a little harder. They all came in and we stood there in a group hug for a few minutes. "I love you guys." I said after awhile. "We love you too." said Ashley. "Okay let's go get your stuff." Andy said. "Okay." I replied.

After getting my things and giving money for this months rent I was officially moved out of that shit hole they call an apartment. We went back to the house and unpacked everything. It was about six o'clock when the guys left. "Hey Andy." I said walking into the new bedroom. There was a king sized bed with dark purple sheets and blankets. The walls were white but Andy said we can put whatever on the walls. Like a blank canvas. There was a big window with a ledge you could sit in with purple curtains that matched the bed.

"What's up?" Andy replied sitting up on the bed. I smirked. "Close your eyes." He did what I said smiling. I walked over to him and climbed on top straddling his legs. We were still in the sitting position when I took off my shirt. "Open them." I said. He opened them slowly. "Wh- Helena what are you doing?" He said kinda quiet. "I love you Andrew Biersack. You've done so much for me. Comfort me when I relapsed, comfort me when my mom died, and now we have a house together. And I'm ready for us to do this. I love you so much and you're just so amazing and I-" I was cut off by Andy's lips colliding with mine. He pulled away. "I love you too." I giggled and took Andy's shirt off. He placed his hands on my hips and flipped us over. He kissed my neck, biting and sucking in the places that made me moan a little. My fingers made their way to Andy's hair griping onto it. His lips met mine again moving in perfect harmony. He pulled away and unbuttoned my pants. He stopped and looked at me. "You're sure about this?" he asked a little breathless. I smiled "yes I'm sure." I replied. He took my pants off an threw them across the room. He took off his own pants and then kissed up my stomach then to my neck and back to my lips. He of course wasn't wearing boxers probably because the pants he was wearing here tighter than mine. How the hell does he even fit into those? Jeez. He was already hard. Now I've never seen a dick (yeah yeah I'm a virgin) but his dick was big. He stop again and towered over me. "You're completely sure?" he asked again. I grabbed a lock of his hair and pulled him close to me and kissed him hard. I pulled away and looked deep into his eyes. "Andrew Dennis Biersack I am ready. I love you so much and-" I sighed "I want you to be my first." I mumbled 'first' embarrassed. "Okay." he stated. He pulled off my underwear and kissed my neck. A moan slipped out of my mouth. I could feel Andy smile and bite at my neck as well.

I woke up in the morning with my head in Andy's chest smiling. His arm was around my waist and my legs were tangled with his as well as the blankets. I looked up to see if Andy was awake. "Hey babe." He said smirking. "Hey." I replied. I lifted myself up and kissed him. "Last night was amazing." I said. "I didn't know you were a virgin." He just blurted out. "Oh. Well I didn't really have serious relationships in high school and I didn't want to have meaningless sex with somebody." I replied laying my head back down. "Last night was amazing for me too." He said after awhile.

Eventually I got up and put on Andy's shirt from last night and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. I made beacon and eggs. "Andy breakfast is ready." I yelled. Andy came to the kitchen and sat at the table. "It's nice having an actual table to eat at." I said taking a bite of my eggs. "Yeah it is. Hey were going someplace today. It's a surprise but you have to wear a bathing suit." He said smiling. I narrowed my eyes at him. "Okay." I said. "It's not bad I promise." He said chuckling. We finished our eggs and I got my bathing suit on. It was just a simple black bikini. I threw on a Misfits shirt and short shorts. I walked back out with a beach towel. I sat on the bed as Andy got dressed. "So where are we going?" I asked. Andy chuckled. "I'm not telling."

Andy drove of course because I didn't know where we were going. "You're a butt." I said. "We're almost there." he said chuckling.

We drove a little longer until I saw something that brought tears to my eyes. "Stop." I said. Andy pulled over and we both got out.

What I saw was a lake with a dock in it and a huge area of grass. "Come on." he said smirking. He grabbed my hand and took me to the dock. "I used to come here as a kid. Before my dad left us. Then we stopped. I love it here. It's my favorite place. How did you know?" I asked. "I talked to your mom. Before she passed away. I asked her where your favorite place to go was and she told me here." He let go of my hand. "How did you call her?" "I looked at your phone. I didn't look at anything else I promise." I looked out to the lake. It was hot out today. Perfect for swimming. "This is wonderful Andy. I lov-" I said turning around to find Andy on one knee. I was breathless. "Helena Way." He started. "I love you with all my heart and I can't imagine my life without you. Will you marry me?" my heart was racing. He pulled out a little black box and opened it smiling. In the box was a beautiful diamond ring. "Oh my god." My face fell flat and emotionless. "No."


So this chapter was longer than usual. I hope you liked it :) bye

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