Assistan to who!?!?!?!?!!!

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Alex POV

It has been 4 months since we landed in Korea. Zane had taken a 3 month break before starting his job at Seoul international. We tried improving my Korean, set out to learn
to read and somewhat write in Hangul, and Zane dragged me deeper into Kpop.

A few hours after dinner, we have the TV blasting BTS music videos while we are badly singing and dancing around in our jammies. Suddenly the TV pauses and we come to a dead stop before looking around.

"Why is it whenever I leave the two of you alone, you turn into teenagers?" Taylor asks laughing

" Sorry, Tay-Tay, but I had a terrible day at work and just needed some music therapy." Zane says apologetically

" I'm just kidding love, do you wanna talk about it?" Taylor asks Zane

"No, thankfully my bestie over here let me vent and can fully relate to where I'm coming from." Zane says

"Okay, you know no matter if I can understand or relate, I will always listen." Taylor replied gently

" I know and I love you for it" Zane says happily

I bust a long AWE before saying, "you guys are way too sweet!!! If I ever find a relationship it better be a Taylor or a Jimin!!"

Both the boys bust out in laughter before teasing me in good nature about my bias wrecker. As hard as Jimin tries he cannot knock Mr. Kim Namjoon out of his place. Something about the maturity level and compassion that man emits just resonated with me. Not to mention that man turns to fire when he opens his mouth on stage.

After getting ready for bed, I hear a knock on my door. I open it to find Taylor there standing with a bottle of soju. "Can we chat a moment?" He asks

"Of course, you know that" I reply

He comes in and sits next to me on my bed. I can see him trying to decide how to approach the conversation. " so I just want to touch base and see if you thought about where you wanted to go?"

"Honestly I have. The only thing I am sure of is I wanna stay here in Korea with you and Zane. I feel as if there isn't really anything appealing about going back to America. I just know I have 2 months to figure something out before I have to leave."

"So, how about finding a job and applying for a work visa?" Taylor asks

"I thought about that, but my Korean is still crap. I'm not even sure what job I could do here." I say disheartened

"Well, how about applying for simple jobs at first and be honest about you learning Korean. I'm still down to paying for you to take classes to learn if you really wanna." Taylor states

"You know my stance there. You do so much for me and never ask or accept anything in return. I couldn't possibly do that. But, I would be open to your advise about where to apply, it can't hurt to try. Worst case scenario is I have to go home for a while." I say

"Well Alex, I have made you a list of places and who is hiring. Zane said he would be down to take you wherever so you could apply and we wouldn't have to worry about you getting lost again." Taylor says laughing

Take two wrong streets and wind up 20 blocks away one time and they are never going to let me forget it!

"Haha very funny. I'm okay with him going though, not only for support but I may need some more translations." I reply

"Okay, so we are settled into #findalexajobsoshecanstay!!!!!" Taylor shouts!

"Yeah, whatever you just said! Let's go!!" I shout back

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