Hobi's getaway

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Alex POV

For the first 2 days of our 5 days, we just chilled in the hotel room. Giving him proper time to rest and decompress, I've noticed he is more giggly and like himself. I asked what he wanted to do today, and he wants to explore NYC like a true tourist. I have plans to take him to the Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building, a Broadway show, and more. He doesn't know it, but tomorrow, our final day before leaving, we will hit up 5th avenue and all the shopping he can take.

After getting dressed, we head out to the first stop. Taking him to the Statue of Liberty first, hoping it won't be too crowded this early. I purchased our tickets and we loaded onto the boat. We hang over the side, watching as the water hits the side of the boat. The sun is starting to rise more, brushing across Hobi's face. I'll never understand how someone can be so beautiful. The man should be bathed in light all the time. Turning my head back toward the water, I smile at the birds flying.

We arrive and start to walk around exploring . Since I decided to take Hoseok's phone from him, I bought him a camera he could take photos with. Huffy, he accepts the camera and takes photos of everything. He passes it to me to take photos of him that he could share with Army. After getting all the ones he wanted, we started up the stairs. Reaching the top, we take a moment to take in the view. Finally, he turns the camera toward us, and takes a photo of us.

"Smile!!!" He asks

Smiling, I let him take photos of us, including silly ones. Happy to see him genuinely smiling, I'd do anything he wanted. After walking back down stairs, we load back on the boat and off to our next adventure we went.

Feet hurting and starving, we stopped at a deli for lunch. Sitting down across from him, I pick up the menu deciding on what I want. Once we know and order we sit back just talking.

"Is there a way we can make shopping a thing? I'd love to find some stuff to take home, and gifts for the guys." Hobi asked

Laughing, I say, "that's the plan for tomorrow silly!"

"Oh" he says and laughs "we might need more bags to carry stuff home with"

"Planning on going overboard are we?" I teased him

"Duh, what's the fun in it if you can't indulge?" He inquires

"As long as you don't overindulge, we only have so much space on the plane ride home" I say

"Eh, we can make it work!" He says

The waitress brings out our food and we talk about what stores he wants to go to. After finishing we get up for the last thing today, Broadway. I chose it last and went for a night time show so we can dress a bit more and have dinner after.

Grabbing the dress he bought me the night we stayed at his house. I put on the long sleeved, hunter green dress and my white flats. Leaving my hair down and scrunching it to give it some curl, I step out of the bathroom to have my soul snatched. Hoseok is dressed in a dark green suit, tan shirt, and has his hair pushed back under a brown fedora. He stands up from tying his dress shoes and turns to put his belongings in his pocket.

Heart racing, tongue tied, burning attraction hits me like a freight train. He turns back to look at me and smiles. "Awe, isn't that the dress I bought you?" He asks

"Yes" I stuttered out.

"Wait, we match! You look beautiful, by the way. Are you ready to go?" He asks putting on his mask

I nod at him, still at a loss of words. What the hell is wrong with me? He offers his arm to me to walk out and I accept it, arms and hands shaking. Taking deep breaths I try to calm my racing heart.

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