Our Talk

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Hoseok POV

Spending the last few days without Alex after being together 24/7 the last two weeks was eye opening. I knew I talked to her a lot and seeked her out often, but apparently i wasn't aware of how much.

"You okay?" Jimin asks breaking me out of my thoughts

"Yeah, just thinking." I replied

"Let me guess, a certain assistant of ours" he teased

Laughing, I say "who else would it be. Im both excited and anxious for her to come home."

"I bet, you still planning on having a conversation with her?" Jimin asked thinking back on our chat 2 days ago

"Yes, but im kinda freaking out" I say honestly

"I can relate to that. It's not the easiest thing in the world to open yourself up and explain how you feel about that person, hoping they feel the same, or at least be willing to try" Jimin reflects quietly

I glance at him and ponder for a moment. "Jimin are you alright? You were kinda distant this weekend and seemed to have a lot on your mind. You know im always here for a chat if you need it."

He looks back at me and says "I know that hope, but unfortunately this is something I have to handle alone. Like you, im ready to make that step to open myself up, but im terrified of ruining everything."

I take his hand and pull him into a hug while saying, "Jimin, you could never truly ruin anything. Ever! Don't be terrified, just know the 6 of us will stand with you."

"I know, I just can't help feeling the way I am." He said sadly

Still hugging him, I run my hand up and down his back when Namjoon and Jin come bursting in laughing. Coming to a stop, the both grow concerned looking at us. They walk in our direction, Namjoon laying his hands on Jimins shoulder peering down, asking "Jimin, is everything okay?"

Jimin shrugs his hand away and steps back from us. "I am fine." He answers curtly and walks away.

"Is he okay, do I need to talk with him?" Both Namjoon and Jin ask watching Himin walk away.

Watching him grab his backpack and shoes, I shake my head no saying, "he will open up when he is ready. Let's leave him alone for now."

Nodding my head at the guys, I head down to my room to get ready. I want to take Alex out alone to talk. Looking at my phone I see Yoongi texted me and said he picked her up and will bring her home in a while. Feeling a bit relieved to know she will be here soon, I step into my room to unpack and shower.

Alex POV

Leaving Yoongi to his beats, I wander around Hybe. Feeling my phone buzz, I see a message from Jimin asking where I am, so I let him know I'm at Hybe. A few seconds later, he asks can I come down to their practice room.

Concerned, I send Yoongi a message letting him know where I'm going and head down a few floors. Stepping off the elevator, I round the hallway and open the door to find Jimin full out dancing. Not wanting to startle him, I slip inside, closing the door softly, and take a seat, leaning against the mirror. Watching him, I sense he is majorly stressing over something and with the passion he is dancing with, it's safe to assume it's related to Namjoon.

Dropping down beside me, I pass him a bottle of water he takes gratefully. Giving him time to breath, I look at him and listen as he says, "I'm freaking out and don't feel like I can talk to anyone about it."

"Namjoon?" I ask softly

He scoffs and says, "of course. Who else can cause me an array of emotions surrounding fear."

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