Marry me?

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Hoseok's POV

"Hey, Namjoon, Jimin. Are you guys busy?" I ask

"Nope, what's up Hyung?" Jimin asks

"Do you think you could take Alex out for a while, I need to plan something, but I can't do it if she has to go with me." I ask

"Yeah, I was planning on hiking alone today , but I have no problem taking Alex with me" Jimin says

"Everything okay chim" Namjoon asks concerned "you never hike alone unless you've got something on your mind"

"Nope, nothing terrible. I just need to escape this dance room. The newest choreography is making me frustrated, so I think if I take a hike and clear my mind, I can approach it with a new perspective." Jimin explains

"I would accompany you if you wanted." Namjoon offered

"I know, but this particular trail has become mine and Alex's thing. But I would love to hike a different one with you." Jimin said cuddling into his side

"You guys are adorable, I don't know how you went all these year not be together." I say

"The same could be said for yourself and Alex" Jimin teases

Laughing, I thank Jimin as we walk down stairs to meet Alex. Zane apparently has a suprise for her, so she is in Taylor's office waiting. We reach his office as the two walk out.

"Hey Alex, wanna go for a hike today? I could use the company." Jimin asks

She goes to respond to him when she freezes for a moment before bolting running full out toward the door, throwing herself into a guys arms.

We hurriedly walk in their direction as she and the guy are rambling, speaking over top one another.

"I'm so freaking happy to see you!! What are you doing in Korea!?!?!" Alex gushes

"Well, I missed you guys and needed a change, so I accepted a job for the next 3 years here at Seoul general with Zane." The guy says

She bounces up and down in excitement, jumping back on him hugging him.

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" I ask pulling her away, jealousy coursing through my veins.

She smacks her face and says, "I'm sorry guys, this is Dr. Shaun. He was the physician that Zane and I worked with before I came here. Jimin, I'm so sorry, yes, I would love to go hiking with you."

"It's nice to meet you guys. I'm glad your taking care of our darling." Dr. Shaun states

"Of course we would" I say offended

"Alex, I'm staying with Zane while I house hunt here, he said you guys have your weekend coming up, so I will see you then. Sounds like you've got plans, and lord I am jet lagged. It definitely time for a nap." Dr. Shaun says

"I'm excited to catch up this weekend, so go get some sleep, i know Zane just got off too. I'll catch you guys later" Alex says waving as they turn to leave.

"Think you could be ready to leave in an hour?" Jimin asks Alex

"Yes, I just need to run home and change, grab my bag. Meet you at the trailhead?"Alex asks Jimin

"Sounds good." Jimin answers her

She waved and heads out to catch a cab. Still feeling a bit jealous of the attention she just displayed to that guy, I need to go dance off my frustration.

"Hoseok, wait, do you want company for whatever it is your needing to do?" Namjoon offers

Thinking about it, "yeah that would be great!" I respond "meet me in a hour as well?"

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