New re-start

485 35 9

Alex POV

8 months later I still have no idea who Namjoon was calling my boyfriend. I walked out of the room and saw the sly grin on his face, before he addressed the boys. Namjoon kept his word. He kept his temper in check and made sure when we had moments of conflict, we sat down to talk it out. Our moments of conflict became few, far in between since the end of his relationship with Hyana. Even the boys commented on how much happier he seemed without her, he himself commenting he felt less stressed.

This morning, Bang send me a message and asked if we could meet. I've officially been with the company 2 years and had signed a 4 year contract that is as long as Namjoons. Not sure what this is about, I let Namjoon know im off to meet Bang if he needed something.

Knocking on the door, I wait for him to grant me entry. "Good morning" I say

He greets me as well and offers me a seat. Sitting down, I listen as Bang says, "so, I need to ask something of you."

"Okay, that's doesn't sound ominous at all" I joke

He chuckled and said, "so you have Namjoons life down to a tee, So I am moving you Bangtan's full time assistant. I would like for you to put all the boys on the same track, schedule, and clarity. The other three assistants can report to you, but they have made a mess of things. Im positive you can manage them well."

Sitting there, im thinking, IS HE INSANE!!! "Sir, with all due respect, I don't think that's a great idea. There is no way I can manage and assist all 7 of them." I say

"I have complete faith you can. You will be able to delegate certain tasks to the 3 assistants below you, but you will be in charge of their schedules. It's not much more different than Namjoons since we are getting ready for comeback and tour. Having one person in charge of all will simplify everything." Bang explains

He continues to discuss how well he feels I will do and what benefits he is adding to my contract, including a huge increase in pay. I try to refuse that, stating since I live with Namjoon, he refuses to accept money towards living costs and at this point I have to fight to pay for food or drinks, since the boys gang up on me and pay before I can.

"Oh speaking of living with Namjoon, since we are close to comeback, you both will be moving to the dorm. The guest room their has been made to match your room at Namjoons. The space is yours and will simplify everything by having you stay with all the boys. So are you okay with this change?" Bang asks

I nod, still at a disbelief of words, agreeing before it hit me that he said live in the dorms. "Wait, you mean live with all 7 members of Bangtan!" I shout

"Yes, they will be excited. I know they try hard to hang out with you, but didn't want to intrude into Namjoons personal space." Bang said "come, let's go inform the boys, Namjoon was already aware and okay with the change."

He gets up, tugs me out of the chair and drags me into the elevator. Nerves hit me hard, what if they aren't happy about this? What if they don't want a girl living full time in the dorm? Even Taehyung and Seokjins girlfriends don't stay more than one night there.

Bang pulls me into the dance practice room, not wanting to interrupt their dancing, he pushes me into a seat and takes the one next to me. I glance around watching them move, the Army in me fangirling at the moment. My eyes move over all the boys and get stuck on Jimin. He moves so gracefully and like water, that when he went into a body roll, he winked at me. Almost falling out of the chair, I catch Jungkook and Yoongi laughing at me. Sticking my tongue out at both of them, I make sure to not look at Jimin at all.

My eyes make their way to Namjoon, proud he seems to have finally gotten it. Poor guy has spent the last week alone, getting extra help nailing the moves. He has been very stressed about it and I've tried my best to hype him up, the man is still my bias after all.

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